Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Is related to an octopus 
  2.  Is an octopus
  3. :lol: 

    Likes octopus sandwich

  4. Stole the cookies from the cookie jar

  5. Made me steal the cookies
  6.  gave me the cookies to eat
  7. Is a zombie!
  8. Those cookies were only for me

    Stalks Santa.
  9. steals santa's toys
  10. Mauls Santas elves
  11. 

    Is an elf
  12.  plays with elfs
  13. It's fun.

    Jealous of me because I play with elves.
  14. Plays tennis with elves 
  15. Is jealous of me because I play tennis with elves.
  16. Feels bad for the elves she smacks around 
  17. Has elves locked in their closet