Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Lol iPod

    Doesn't like sparkly vampires :?
  2. Haha:) true:) eats food
  3. Who doesn't eat food?

    Doesn't like Bella
  4. Lolololol
  5. Gouges eyes out of boyfriends past and feeds them to her relatives
  6. Isn't really a doctor...
  7. Gave dr sexy his doctor License thingy
  8. Can't believe it's not butter
  9. Knows it is butter
  10. Can't believe it's Margarin
  11. Hates margarine
  12. Thinks it a White Chocolate bar
  13. Hmmm...

    Buys me a white chocolate bar 
  14. chocolate

    Doesn't want to spend money on white chocolate bar
  15. is a seasonal alcoholic.... not unlike my mother
  16. is a marijuana smoker
  17. Eats hobos for breakfast 
  18. Forces me to cook hobos 