Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Thinks Justin bieber has talent 
  2. Is Justin Beiber's manager
  3. Eats goldfish naked 
  4. Secretly wants to try it herself
  5.  ...works for 

  6. Is getting coal next Christmas
  7. Eats Babys at night

     Nope I think ur getting coal 
  8. Tells me where I can find those babies.

    I'm reporting you to Santa so you are gonna get coal. 
  9. 
    Is obsessed with Justin Beiber
  10. Not really :? 

    Likes Chuck Norris
  11. Locks himself in the bathroom every night
  12. Has a pet monkey that nobody knows about
  13. Gave the pet monkey to Azarah 
  14. Stole monkey from my bedroom 
  15. 

    Forgot that monkey is with the vet.
  16. -pokes eyes- 

    Likes lurking
  17. Licks donkey  for breakfast..
  18. Likes to talk about donkey 