Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Yup one of those.

    Likes to draw :?
  2.  Kissed a squirrel on NYE
  3. Ate the squirrel after
  4. Drinks eggnog 
  5. Showers with frogs

    Ahah my username and this thread:)
  6. Cooked those frogs 
  7. Asked me to fry them not boil them...
  8. Knows that is yummy
  9. Knows she ate more than me
  10. Has 9 lives

  11. Is really sleepy but doesn't want to sleep-.-
  12. Hates sleep
  13. Bakes  For 
  14. Liked a snowman to death
  15.  falls in love with the milk man
  16. is secretly in love with Justin Bieber AND Taylor Lautner