Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Ate the squirrel
  2. I had orange juice chocolate milk and water 
  3. Squirrel's actually taste good
  4. Got eaten by the squirrel.
  5. Stole the squirrels nut
  6. Ate the squirrel's nut.
  7. BTW I said licks himself clean and it was a girl but it was not meant for lhienessa it was meant for leothecool...

    Rips off my skin and eats it at night
  8. Skinny dips with hobos
  9. Smokes with hobos
  10. Gives nudes to 64 year old men
  11. That's inappropriate
    Black what ever get of my thread
  12. Eats old scabs
  13. -Black_White- Off my thread Post again I'll get a mod
  14. Chews  hearts like gum
  15. Hey I'm already silenced
  16. Get me forum banned okay.
  17. Is Passed out on my Floor 