Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Likes To Dance In Chicken Outfits... Whats an escort?
  2. Princess thats not a secret
  3. Likes to eat candles.
  4. in jail  for assault and battering
  5. Cookie that sounds like me
  6. Leo has a secret crush on me 
  7. wants to marry me
  8. Ate cookies batter of cookie dough when he wasn't looking.... 
  9. Spyder ate Fred ().. ALIVE 
  10. Is secretly dating Kim Jong Il's son. 
  11. Is a Sparta Pigeon!

  12.  eats out of a trash can
  13. Dawn at George () ALIVE! 
  14.  is a chicken nugget 

  15.  Loves Nicolas Cage

  16. Wants to marry me 
  17.  HOW DID YOU KNOW!? 