Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. How did he know? He got it from me. 
  2. ? Secret crush on My lamp
  3. 

    Eats lamps that people have crushes on
  4. Stalks Penguins
  5. Knows a penguin
  6. Gives Baths to Hobos^
  7.  Is one the run from the Government due to sinking Atlantis
  8. Rode a shark
  9. Dam I Gotta go dress like a Hobo 

    Eats Cheese In bed at 3:21 Am every Night
  10. Still used a typewriter
  11.  id give you a bath anyway.

     feeds me cheese a minute afterward...every night. Since it's your fault. At Leo...
  12. Micky!

    Runs with unicorns
  13. Watches what ever her " Sibling " Wants to watch Even if it's wrong
  14. Keeps earwax in their toes
  15. Damn, imma badass 

    Dreams of meeting Rebecca Black
  16. should go to sleep

  17. Picks there nose with there elbow
  18. Yes it could be cool meeting Rebecca black she's more famous than you.

  19. found out his mom is justin bieber
  20. Hey, I could be Oprah for all you know 

    Dreams of being finally made McDonalds manager of the month