Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Is not really a snowflake. Just a speck of dust.
  2. Is not really a "lady"
  3. slurps her spaghetti when no one is looking ?
  4. Love cocoa puffs. :lol:
  5. Hates winter?
  6. Thinks Trix are for kids 
  7. Is on the naughty list, and is proud of it!
  8. Is on the good list, but hates it!
  9. Thinks she's badass but really watches my little pony when everyone's asleep
  10. Boa tarde. O que eu possa te ligar, informe o código de acesso. Eu não sei o quanto é importante. O que é um pouco mais de uma forma que eu não tenho como ir para o dia inteiro,
  11. I️ came across this oldie ? gonna bump but it’ll die also
  12. ^ has a belly button lint collection

    Did I do this right? ?
  13. Orders for 4 at mcdonalds and cries in his car after eating it all
  14. Secretly eats a lot of sweet potatoes on top of a black sedan in a dark alley.
  15. Wears g-strings under his usual clothes and gets off about people having no clue about it
    The world needs to know, Vash
  16. loves it in the butt
  17. Is a serial sadist and cuts off noob's nips with toenail clippers...
  18. Gets turned on by Rebecca Black’s Friday
  19. does it with her brother