Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Has gone to the candy mountain
  2. maybe

    Lives with Nyan cat
  3. I wish.

    Has a Kaname plushie.
  4. I wish>:0 I wish I had the Zero clock:3

    Has all the VK plushies
  5. Nobut I do want them.

    Knows who Ren Tsuruga is
  6. Me 2!! Um...

  7. You don't know him? Well it doesn't matter.

    Secretly steals and eats snowmen's nose (carrots).
  8. I hate carrots...

    Has a purple toe
  9. Likes to eat woods
  10. Sakuri kissed a lion
  11. ...and still lives
  12. That was only one time
  13. Secretly watches barbie movies.
  14. Secretly takes viagra
  15. 

    Secretly watches little kids play...
  16. likes eating mayo naked while watching Barney
  17. Has a bunny hate made of real bunny ears