Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Shakes iT for me.
  2. Shakes iTunes gift cards at me. Money money, papiiiii.
  3. Uh..... no! O.O
  4. Drinks own poop water and likes it ^√
  5. Watches vampire diaries
  6. Doesnt smoke pott
  7. Azza watches farm animals mate with young human beings on Friday the 13th throughout the night while pleasuring himself.
  8. Actually enjoys watching Azza do all those weird things.
  9. Is the world record holder for gasping the most times in a minute. 583,514,026,701,925,143,628,279 times.
  10. Has twins and both of their names is Carl
  11. Likes to bacon rp with his mom 
  12. Mmmmm bacon.

    Hunts kittens
  13. Secretly rp's with his tutors
  14. Is actually Little Red Riding Hood
  15. Can make a grown man cry with one look
  16. Steals candy from babies when strolling in the park ?
  17. His sausages aren't all the exquisite.
  18. She is really only one jug :(