Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Isn't really Squishee? 
  2. uh oh squishee VIP please no fighting over me
  3. Remind me to make sure I'm around when your wearing one Anya 
  4. You all type too fast. 
  5. I thought I typed slow...
  6. ?I may have one on ATM
  7. Where you at girl I wanna see that Scottish style 
  8. Anya kisses goats?
  9. Hang on... You ain't wearing it traditionally are you Anya 
  10. ? Licks CatFur
  11. Hairball 
    I'm allergic I think too 
  12. Wearing what traditionally 
  13. Is secretly a complete idiot
  14.  anything super offensive, against Terms of use or Complete Disgusting from New players, they will be asked to leave this thread :) and if you continue to post after being asked a mod will silence you :)
  15. Leo no worries he's just mad zaft is falling apart on kaw.