Secret of the person above you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Actually is a 40 year old guy
  2. Throws unknown substances at children
  3.  was sexually curious in college 
  4. Is an un know substance
  5. Continuously talks about animals on this thread
  6. Spreads various scented lotion in their bellybutton
  7. Likes to think about that

  8. Has a severe attraction to Meryl Streep

  9. Ballon fetish
  10. *doesn't know what Meryl Streep is* has a collection of little children's hair
  11. Admires his/her ass for hours on end.

    I know who Meryl Streep is 

    I brought her up.
  12. Licks her toes

  13. Has a freakishly large rash above their eyebrow...
  14. Likes biting fingernails :?
  15. Likes to watch animals mate
  16. Gives stray cats their mucus..
  17. Has a fetish of tickling their own feet
  18. Digs in their ear..smells it...then wipes it on their pants..