Just wanted to thank my latest code orange war team for a Great War! Thanks- -AC-You_This_Read_Wrong- Maert -PhantO-1NV1S1BL3_StalkeR Kendo11s -Rated_M_BabyBlue_Boo -BCS-Ariel_Latie_Deborah Mamagoat Renbemo i-Lurk-in-JD MagenFox- -iMASTERlovemyBOSSforever- iAmPeeta_JenasBestie insidiousboy -_A_-RoamingDork -No_Touchy_My_Devilish_Bama- BurritoMonster U_CnT_HaNdLe_Or_OwN_tHis_QUEEN I_Friendzoned_Jesus -PHC-_Mr-TedtheBear- -CY _pradipta_ -WTC-Ms_1CR3D1BL3-P0ttyM0uth- -_-Beach-_-
Latests code orange war team. Sadly we didn't with the war but ipt was a good fight! Thanks- -Rated_M_BabyBlue_Boo -_A_-RoamingDork I_Friendzoned_Jesus Harishb Chakies Alexithymia MamaGoat Lunaboonah VT_myspys_in_dundeetown iWearA-Halo-OnMyHorns Byr0n18 Dying_Bushido MDubTheGreat -ONYX-Stitch Rehab_Mr_DJ iPENelopeGarcia gleipnir -Irreplaceable- Debjeet -US-IIIIIICountryBoyDSKIIIIII IT_GeagkeStrike WikipediaThis
Latests code orange war team. Sadly we didn't with the war but it was a good close fight! We fought them, we fought ourselves, but we didn't give up! Thanks- Twitterpated Byr0n18 -ONYX-Stitch -AOC-ARA- Heartsdelight -AC-You_Read_This_Wrong- -_-MistahJIsSuchACharmer_-_ -_-Beach-_- JarradIsMyGod _iIvanWackedCharlieBrown_ tubErculOsis Mrs-Twinkie -III-Birthday-Suit-Betty-III- MattsTennesseeer Svetlania 42jade Redneck-Crazy-4-Chick -SIN-SWEET-HisAngel _JTK__BOSS-Chick69_ Packers_Goddess flipwilson2 KC_226 ZaynMalik inimitable