 Chewing gum... OH~!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Oct 1, 2011.

  1. I did things with chewing gum  I was drunk though 
  2. oh mah god me too!

    Hi5 Serial!

  3.  aren't you 12?! 
  4. How do to know ._.
  5. Chloe ur still here(4 now) Chloe I'm gonna miss you
    And I love gum
  6.  guys gtg.  see you on facebook!
  7. I deleted mine 
  8. Goodbye Chloe of the cheeky. 
  9.  Bye Goldia
  10. Goodbye chloe
  11. Goodbye Chloe and ur epic-ness 
  12. I love you 
  13. Shes lurking 
  14. I miss her already 
  15. Nvm she's gone 