 All-Filipino War Again 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by QUINN, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. TEAM A 91KCS
  2. 338 kcs / team a
  3. ?Due to recent updates? upgrades allowed as lng as within range? LCBC will be 1.6mcs  900-1.5mcs for lower level. Thank you 
  4. new dorms were added. Are we allowed to upgrade?
  5. thanks quin. I read it late. Lol
  6. Thanks! I will upgrade now
  7. *Munch munch* good luck quinky
  8. 149kcs team A
  9.  matching are final. Upgrade if u please but no complaining of uneven rosters 
  10. I Upgrade from 270kcs,now 292kcs  thanks
  11. 262 KCS TEAM A
  12. around 280kcs Team A
  13. What's the name of the club though? 
  14. ???WAR CLUBS NOW OPEN???

  15. Natsumi40, 56kcs, team B
  16. ?This is the last pinoy war?

    ?To all who kept complaining
    Thank you, you just made me decide to stop organizing this. If you can do better than this, go ahead. For the record, this has been the war with most complains 