Things BCS say/do in wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CABLE-, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. correction War King. Most of my WU members are not from BCS. We have 1 though :)
  2. Smarties
  3. last time i remeber cable me and u were in the same sf club ...ur forgetting most of us didnt start the game by partying ...whats funny is that most of u guys are always on our admins wall begging to get let in ..so tlk all u want ...thatd all u do
  4. Hahaha. I bet, the next day or mext week this will still be the topic ;) what a crybabies. You all should move on. Move forward… and also try to think of new things to talk about.
  5. I am frm WU...and i not frm BCS fyi warking 
  6. WU too but not from BCS 
  7. Id like to point out, bcs is helping the community lots, without them, how would most get their pro scav items? Im sure other clubs will try and complete but this will cause alot of drama, members being kicked etc. i think most are jealous of bcs high ranking thats why theyre being bad mouthed. I personally do think parties ruined the game, but why should we try to bring down people who are trying to help? Sure, you guys can not listen to what i got to say. But lets see what you guys think when theres no bcs no more.

    P.s. Im not a bcs member
  8. If you noobs actually knew how to war ?then y'all wouldn't say it's lame. Ski I'm sure you remember wars when people would stay up 24-48 hours straight. And when having 3b plunder was REALLLLLY good. Now-a-days I can make 5b in 6-8 unloads. Pathetic how pimd become. Miss the old days ️ and please you noobs couldn't war to save your pimd virtual lives.
  9. On the other hand, yes they dont war, and had done nothing to prove themselves but party. I think theyre just trying to stay away from drama, but high vip rank doesnt come without it
  10. Vry smart so u guys wan war MUST Ask bcs club to war u guys? And they cant denied? Then u guys here saying all these stuffs? If u guys are so gd and like to war y not war those ppl who like to war?instead here TARGETTING BCS club cos they dun like to war? Its total JOKE! Ppl can choose wat they wanna do dun hav to abid to wat u guys WANTED ...... so are u guys gonna war to all clubs tat parties? NO u guys just wanna target BCS clubs cos U GUYS ARE SIMPLY JEALOUS...grow up pls...
  11. Bcs wars they're war noobs.. bcs doesnt war they're partying crybabies.. Bcs sfs every club on the game they're bullies..

    No pleasing you people
  12. Agreed Spetsnaz.
  13. First you say they don't
  14. 
  15. Firat you say they don't war, now you are listing WHAT THEY SAY IN WAR, you are simply jealous because your clubs are not high ranked as they are, if you love to war there are so many war clubs, go war with them .. leave Bcs club alone .. mind your own. PIMD businesses..
  16. Sooooooo...... Now I see where you've all gone. I must say I'm a little disappointed ?
  17. Y did Manny challenge then eliz posts it friendly? Sorry but all I saw was Manny talking crap bout BAD they accept we all show and bang bcs club cleared with 1 person 2 hit ... biggest cop out ever ... maybe go back to owners chat and think of what excuse you will use next
  18. People do realize some of the oldest or biggest names are in BCS right?Scroll through the first five BCS clubs in leaderboard and look at the top ten names in themIf you don't realize that BCS has some of the most influential players left then you obviously aren't paying attention.I looked in the first three I saw and in just the top ten 5-7 of them are names I've seen for three years warring and being lcbc before most players had a smartphone.Do I agree that your average BCS noob lcbc can't war?Yes.Do I think BCS is full of noobs?Look again.Your pupils, pupils, pupil is in there if you know what I mean.