Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jacob_John, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Wait..which me u wanna hire  piss_off or this acc 
  2. Well this forum is weird now lol 
  3. Jake owned me once 

    I was his most expensive tut
  4. 
  5. BFFNuuuuu...I want to hire you. 
  6. lol!! my boyfriend is named jake!!! he looks like this
  7. That's not me
  8. ihope not cause tht wouldve been vry akward!!!
  9. But I'm Jake. So stop lying.
  10. no theres a guy at my school named jake
  11. That's impossible. I'm Jake.
  12. There' no Jake in my school. Only a Jack.


    I bet none of you know a Goldia. 
  13. No. I'm Jake, and I like to party. You are not Jake, and you definitely do not like to party
  14. I know a goldeen. That's right. Pokemon reference ftw.
  15. Piplup