Love Taps vs. Spankings War Time

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SimplyKoi, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Love taps LCBC. 

    If no room on LT side, I'll go to Spankings
  2. Okay I'll update everything once I drop my sister off




    on a side now sign ups are being extended till the 29th 
  4. I have ug and and more along lines of a bc?
  5.  okay
  6. Love Taps!
  7. Upgraded 621kcs actually added it up for u
  8. Spankings
  9. I did a name change I was HF-Miggles-Spanks-Mia now I'm -_A_-MiaMakesMigginsPurrr
    And im also upgrading soon
  10. I like spankings 520 kcs I think. I can count so.....
  11. Spankings
    230kcs (for now)
  12. Thank you 
  13. Spanks Duh .