the "other" mod guide

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by Spiny, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Ps mods have a sense of humour ?!?? Whatever next lol
    Good job btw ️
  2. Do yall really get $100 vouchers monthly?
  3. Bumping
  4. ??
  5. I feel like some new player is going to think this is the real guide and get all confused
  6. Lol Staaahp 
  7. Damn I should have been nice when I was a newbie 
  8. Well this just made my day...Thanks for the laugh! I'm going to smile when I have my usual 8 hours of sleep tonight :)
  9. One bad Kitty resigned lol

    And why do we have so little Asia mods and a lot of us mods
  10. no man we r fine we dnt need more silencing freaks
  11. Asian campus is a lot quieter so less mods are needed