
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jihi, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. My labrodoodle I call him fuzzlewuzzle but. His name is Cody I've posted his face so many times pretty sure I'd get silenced for spamming if I did it again
  2. Cats are amazing because you can shove big long wiener dogs I'nside a (pussy cat):))
  3. Well, my cat "runaway" came through a screen window during Christmas Eve, so I think that's why his name is that.

    As well for Snappy, I think it's a girl...but I could be possibly very wrong.
  4. My fuzzwuzzle saved me from
    An evil cat
  5. Drake dats disgusting dude
  6. What's your story of fuzzlewuzzle and an evil cat?
  7. I was walking fuzzlewuzzle and this huge cat was on a mailbox I walked up to see if it had identification and the attempted to dig its claws in my chest luckily fuzzlewuzzle barked and ran towards me the evil cat got scared and ran away. Good ol Cody(fuzzlewuzzle)
  8. You see when (you) the owner treats your pet good it will do good things back for you.

    Did that make any sense? Erm....
  9. Hedgehog-nameless!
  10.  bear
     mr. Whiskers
    x4 bella, Gary, sara, grace
     and Toby
     Big Bella
     Inky
     Mr. Waddles
     Splasher
     Mr. Lion
  12.  Lucky
     Lenny
     Mr. White
     Ginger
     Dorota
     Seth
  13. Three cats
    Girls: Emily and Lydia
    Boy: Randy
  14. Horse= princess
    Horse= cyclone
    Husky= saphire
    German shepard= dakota
    Fish= spike
    Fish= bruce
    Frog= lilly
    Phew!! Lol:)lots of pets
  15.  Kitty
    Turtle Pretend it's not a frog. It's a turtle.
  16. Mikey
  17. - Lily
    - Sebie
  18. I love hedgies  I wish I had one