Heaven Vs. Hell ~Rp

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by _Xx-Heavenly-xX_, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. ((Wait what's my name again))
  2. Oh right, yeah, Alice is a demon xD)
  3. Alice: *Scowls, toying with my knife* Ohhh Cheshire, it feels so boooring here..
  4. Flames:

    -sees fire nearby. I stood there. Watching the smoke gathering in the air.-
  5.  Sammis it was Echo
  6. ((Ohhh lol okay))
    Echo: -kills a tree for practice-
  7. Alice: Good point, let's do that. *Gets up and teleports past a wall, large cuts shredding the material as I pass*
  8. Bryan: JACK WHERE THOU THY BE AT?-yells-
  9. Alice: *Telports erratically, sometimes taking a few steps, sometimes appears twenty, thirty feet forwards in mid step*
  10. Flames:

    -Hears sound, closes my eyes using my Dark magic to teleport me to it. I stood behind a guy. My eyes blood red.-
  11. Jack:

    -sits up, startled hearing Bryan's voice- hey Bry, up here!
  12. (Who should I meet? I was thinking that even other demons somewhat dislike/are wary of Alice)
  13. Bryan: yes?-looks behind me-
  14. Flames:

    -I circle around you. Scanning your body. My Dark Magic growing. And read to attack.-
  15. Jack:

    -Checks his surroundings- uh... Bry?!?
  16. Alice: *I feel a growing force, my aimless wandering starting to veer towards it*
  17. Bryan: what do you need?
  18. Jack:

    -jumps down, his leg getting caught a lower branch as he lands on his stomach- oof!
  19. Flames:

    -My eyes darken.- Angel.. - I hiss a bit. Eyeing you. Then seeing another in a tree.- Why are you here..