Advanced coloring coding guide

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iEx, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. darn.. It's black
  2. Just put any combination of 6 characters ( either 0-9 or A-F) and you'll get a color out of it.

     [color=#123456] Text here [/color] 
    This is #123456
  3. And thanks for saying sticky lol. Probably won't be a stickied guide but that'd be awesome.
  4. C'mon FireSpit :p
  5. This took some work so it definitely deserves a sticky
  6. Basically you put [color=#XXXXXX}

    Replace the X with any number 0-9 or letters ABCDE or F.
  7. It took about 30 minutes to type in iPhone notes lol
  8. [color=234765]Kalla don't call him fire spit that's rude[/color]
  9. Mercedes, you're forgetting to put the hex in there. The hash tag symbol is important! 
  10. [color=345678]Retry[/color]
  11. Code:
     [color=#234765] text [/color] 
    Type that in, mercedes.
  12. Ohh thanks

    This should work
  13. Got it. Now just remember the hex and you're good.
  14. This guide needs to be sticked
  15. Lol that's 4
  16. This is ok but the codes need to tell the hex colors