Advanced coloring coding guide

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iEx, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. People still used this in 2019 lmfao
  2. @Fry: To get this: Test
    ...Use this code instead:
    PS: You can tap the little pencil in the upper left of your post to edit it for up to 5 minutes after posting, so you don't need to make multiple posts in a row.
  3. Test [/blue]
  4. Ty ty
  5. N E O N I C
  6. [color=B57EDC] Testing Take 2; custom color [/color]

    Is bummed but now I see the truth
  7. [color=cc66cc] Testing Custom color take 3 cause I'm a dummmy k thx [/color]

    *Is the idiot they were talking about*
  8. Aww you tryin
  9. this method isn’t great for beginners
  10. i found pink
  11. it’s not that hard guys
  12. Hold up. Imma try.

    57, 98, 170

    3,9 6,2 10,10


    Edit: Yeah it worked!!