Advanced coloring coding guide

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iEx, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. what am I doing wrong
  2. one last try~
  3. so close~~~
  4. yayyy I did it~~!!
  5. [color=#ED2AA8 How does this shit work how do u write the code thingy]
  6. Does it work like this? #123456? Idk
  7. Did you even read it?
  8. This is complicated but thank you anyways!
  9. So i need help i was silenced for mentioning something that was not worth me being silenced over and i can't contact anyone about it. What should i do?
  10. [colo=rainbow] i got it didnt i? [/color]
  11. how was it?
  12. #ED2AE8 try
  13. #ED2AA8 asd
  14. Shame that people don't appreciate maths.
  15. wew