Advanced coloring coding guide

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iEx, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. exactly
  2. Coloré lol
  3. simply perfect 
  4. I enjoy writing like this
  5. me too!! 
  6. I'm going to stop commenting now :3
  7. hours of fun
  8. I know the basics of how to get pinks and purples... [/colors]
  9. I'd hope so you took like 2 pages posting meow 
  10. ok I have a new obsession. Damn you op
  11. hahahhhaha I know... But I still need blues and greens but I'm not making my eyes think words are wrong I'll just learn over time through trial and stuff haha
  12. I think I may have it all figured out... Sort of haha
  13. I want a color to be called unicorn.. And one called Hobo.