Idea Yesterday while I was talking in cc a question hit me. Why do pimd players great each other with kisses? And how did this tradition start? Anytime we get into a club, or see a friend on wc or cc, we usually great them with a kiss: Very rarely do I see someone saying "Hi Blahblah." Occasionally, we even greet strangers with kisses. If you think about it, would you ever greet your friends like that in real? "Hey Blahblah! How are you doing?" Kiss Kiss. How do you think your friends would react to a kiss on every meeting? And when I say friends, I don't mean just your boy/girlfriends. So how did this start then? Well, I have absolutely no clue. I have a thought as to why it may have started, but I've only been playing about a year and 3 months so I can't be sure. When I was younger and took French in school, my teacher once told us that some cultures greet each other with kisses on the cheek. Us being 12 year olds at the time, we obviously thought that that was weird and that our teacher was probably just joking. But as I've grown, I noticed that sometimes when my parents' close family friends, whom they've known before moving to the U.S., came over, they greeted each other with kisses. A hug and a light kiss on the cheek. This is just my theory, but I think that the kissing tradition on pimd has started as a transfer of traditions from different cultures around the world. Or is it just to show affection and favoritism to those that are the closet to you on pimd? But in that case, why do we greet strangers with kisses as well? I'd find it freaky if a stranger came up to me in the middle of the street and kissed me on the cheek.
Yesterday while I was talking in cc a question hit me. Why do pimd players great each other with kisses? And how did this tradition start? Anytime we get into a club, or see a friend on wc or cc, we usually great them with a kiss: Very rarely do I see someone saying "Hi Blahblah." Occasionally, we even greet strangers with kisses. If you think about it, would you ever greet your friends like that in real? "Hey Blahblah! How are you doing?" Kiss Kiss. How do you think your friends would react to a kiss on every meeting? And when I say friends, I don't mean just your boy/girlfriends. So how did this start then? Well, I have absolutely no clue. I have a thought as to why it may have started, but I've only been playing about a year and 3 months so I can't be sure. When I was younger and took French in school, my teacher once told us that some cultures greet each other with kisses on the cheek. Us being 12 year olds at the time, we obviously thought that that was weird and that our teacher was probably just joking. But as I've grown, I noticed that sometimes when my parents' close family friends, whom they've known before moving to the U.S., came over, they greeted each other with kisses. A hug and a light kiss on the cheek. This is just my theory, but I think that the kissing tradition on pimd has started as a transfer of traditions from different cultures around the world. Or is it just to show affection and favoritism to those that are the closet to you on pimd? But in that case, why do we greet strangers with kisses as well? I'd find it freaky if a stranger came up to me in the middle of the street and kissed me on the cheek.
It's true, there are many people who do this. They see someone they can bash and they do it. These "trolls" do this for a reaction. When they start making fun of people on threads, those they are trolling usually get angry and start throwing insults, threats, and overall just get upset. These "trolls" strive for that, the reactions get them a laugh, they enjoy it. But how in the world do we get rid of them? Well, we can start by not giving them a reaction. Instead of whining and threatening and trying to prove yourself to them, ignore them. They won't get a reaction, then they'll most likely leave. If they don't leave, (and they are going off-topic by bashing you and ignoring the topic of the thread) you can always ask them to leave your thread, and if they don't, call a mod. By the RoC they are obligated to leave the thread unless they, themselves are being bashed or mentioned. Or, if you don't want to go through that, and the "troll" has clearly posted something with intent to anger or influence you to break the ToU/RoC, call a mod right away, because them doing that breaks RoC:
Over the past few days there have been a couple of threads complaining and pointing out the issue of trolling on PiMD forums, that's great that we realize the issue, but how do we stop it? There are many people who "troll", they see someone they can bash and they do it. These "trolls" do this for a reaction. When they start making fun of people on threads, those they are trolling usually get angry and start throwing insults, threats, and overall just get upset. These "trolls" strive for that, the reactions get them a laugh, they enjoy it. But how in the world do we get rid of them? Well, we can start by not giving them a reaction. Instead of whining and threatening and trying to prove yourself to them, ignore them. They won't get a reaction, then they'll most likely leave. If they don't leave, (and they are going off-topic by bashing you and ignoring the topic of the thread) you can always ask them to leave your thread, and if they don't, call a mod. By the RoC they are obligated to leave the thread unless they, themselves are being bashed or mentioned. Or, if you don't want to go through that, and the "troll" has clearly posted something with intent to anger or influence you to break the ToU/RoC, call a mod right away, because them doing that breaks RoC: So that's something the op can do. but what can the rest of us do? The rest of us can make an effort to post and comfort the op's that have been trolled. If we see someone who has been trolled, we can post in the thread, answer the question it's asking, and let the op know that those people always say these kinds of things and to not take it personally. Unless everyone works together, we won't be able to stop the negativity and more people will continue to get hurt.