TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST Farming Most of us know what this means in game, but who exactly made this a well known term? Well the answer is waaaaaay back in KaW forums. Posted 10 days after the games release a player named mccc posted a thread that he would be open for attacks In the thread he stated he was an OSF (Open Secret Farm) that people could attack and make gold without any retaliation. But he only allowed a max of 5 hits on him per person a day. Around a week later others thought it was a great idea! They began calling themselves OSFs too. This caused the 5 hit rule. Only allowing players to hit someone 5 times in 24 hours or be titled a Faaaaarrrmeeeeer
Guide For New Players Hi, if you are a new player on PiMD you're reading the right thread. Here, I will try to explain how to get started playing and mention some taboos within the community. I want this thread to be as effective as it can be, so I will organize and present everything in the following order: 1. Jobs 2. Volley to 5kcs Getting the volley Reaching 5kcs 3. Making Money After 5kcs No more volleys Party Job Hit Others Farm Inactives Hit off People list 4. Saving Money Max Plunder 5. Upgrading Past 5kcs Links to other guides 6. PiMD Rules Links ______________________________ 1. Jobs When you first start playing the game, go to the job section and start doing jobs. The first few jobs should be very easy and give you money fairly quickly. As you get the money do not upgrade. Instead keep earning money and saving up. Do the jobs until they become Very Difficult. 2. Volley to 5kcs Now that you have some money, it’s time to start upgrading. Lucky for you, the upgrade to 5kcs (5,000 combined stats) is super easy. To upgrade to 5kcs you must find someone willing to volley you (hire you back and forth) to 200-250m. Getting the volley The best way to get volleyed is using campus chat. There are two ways that you can use campus chat to get a volley. You can either ask for a volley by saying something along the lines of “I’m new please volley me to 250m,” or you can scout campus chat waiting for someone who is looking to volley someone new. Since, you’re just starting and you don’t have speakers yet, option 2 is probably the best. However, if you want to ask for a volley instead of waiting for someone, you can buy speakers in the store. Scroll down to the bottom of the store. Speakers cost 1 extra credit (ec). To get ec you can either job or purchase them for real money. This guide explains the details of earning ec. Reaching 5kcs After being volleyed to 200-250m you’ve earned a lot of money. Yay, Upgrading time! To upgrade, go to your dorm. After you reach your dorm, click an empty dorm room Open the dorm. You should now have 2 open dorm rooms (one that you got during the tutorial and the one you opened just now). Open 10 more dorms to have a total of 12 open. After you have 12 open dorms, evict the person in your first dorm. Do this by clicking on them and then pressing evict. After all your dorms are empty, start putting people in them. You want 6 Jocks and 6 Hackers in your dorm. After you put each one of them into your rooms, start leveling them up. You want all your dormmates to be at Level 4 (Seniors). You are now 5kcs. 3. Making Money After 5kcs Now that you are 5kcs you can no longer rely on volleys to upgrade. No more volleys While volleys give okay money you will not be able to upgrade with them because upgrading is going to get more expensive. You're next crew will be 16m just for level 1. A hire gives you only 1m. In addition to not paying well, volleying also tends to annoy many people in the community. Often times when people ask for volleys to help them upgrade they get rude and mean responses. For these reasons you should stay away from volleying as a way to upgrade. But don't fret! There are other ways to get money, and they're quicker! Party Partying is a very effective way to upgrade. When you're just starting, as you are when you're 5kcs, you can probably upgrade after each party. Inorder to party you need to join a club. The best way to join a club that's partying is to go to Campus Buzz and then select Parties. When you are in a club, you can easily get to the party by clicking the red square on the homepage. That will take you to the party. Once you're there, click attack and start hitting! As you will find out while partying, some actions give money while others don't. In the end of the party you will be paid regardless of what you hit. Job After the jobs start getting difficult, you start failing more and getting less money. So why do them? Well, as you complete sets of jobs you get money and dn (doctors notes which bring you to full health) bonuses. This guide says how much each job pays and when and what the bonuses are. Hit Others Another way to get money is by hitting others. When hitting others make sure to have enough tutor bonus for max plunder (this is explained in the section titled Max Plunder). To be able to hit someone you need to go to their profile and click Battle. tommyboys is NOT a farm, I'm just using his profile as an example. When hitting you have 4 options. You can fight, dance-off, prank, or eavsedrop. For the best plunder hit in the following order (depending on which action you take). To not clog up to much space, the "-" sign will symbolize a 5 minute waiting period where you regenerate and the numbers are the amount of times you want to hit. Fight: 2-2-2-2-1- Dance-off: 2-1- Prank: 4-5- Eavsedrop: 3- After a cycle is complete, repeat. Each of the cycles listed above will bring you to full energy once completed. There are two types of players you can hit, inactives and actives. Hitting Inactives is explained in the next section (Farm Inactives). And hitting actives is explained in the section afterwards (Hit off people list) Farm Inactives When you hit inactives, it's referred to as farming inactives. Farming is hitting 5 or more times in 24 hours. Inactives are players who no longer play the game and therefore will not hit back if you hit them. This is a great way to make money until you can hit PRO parties. Here is the most current list of farms. Before hitting double check that they are inactive because occasionally people become active again. Hit off People list If you like being risky, you can also hit off the people list. The people list, usually called the Battle List (BL), is full of active players around the same stats as you. If you are using the BL, you can hit straight from there. When hitting off the BL, remember that you are hitting active players and will most likely be hit back. Possibly more times than you hit. BL hitting is a fairly controversial topic in PiMD. Some people support it, others don't. There have been many arguments about it. In general, people tend not to use it, but there are quite a few players who do use it. It is not against any rules. 4. Saving Money Once you have an efficient way to make money, you should start saving. Max Plunder The main reason you want to start saving is to get to your max plunder. Max plunder is the most amount of money that you can earn when hitting another player. You can get max plunder by having 15m x your kcs in tuts. So, if you are 5kcs, you want 5 x 15 = 75m in tuts. 5. Upgrading Past 5kcs After you have saved some money it is finally time to upgrade! You're next dormmates cost 16m. When putting them in, you have to first pay for the dorm and then put the dormmate in. Links to other guides Here are links to guides that explain upgrading and things related to upgrading in more detail: Beginner's Mega-Guide by -Blizzard This guide is also a guide for New Players. It goes into more details about clubs and a few other topics than this guide. Guide to Upgrading to T5 LCBC by The-Wise-Master-Pheonix-Gonzo This guide explains how to upgrade to the highest level possible. Guide to the Crews and Dorms of PimD by _Warrior This guide tells the cost of all the Dormmates and Dorms. 6. PiMD Rules Like almost everything, PiMD has rules. Some of the major rules are no bypassing, spamming, or threatening. Bypassing would be going around the filter. For example, lets say that when you type the word pie it shows up as ***. It is against PiMD's rules to try and make the word show up by using letters with accents, numbers, or spaces. Writing the world like pîe, p i e, p1e, or pié, would get you silenced in that situation. Spamming is different in different places. On campus chat spamming would be posting the same/similar thing 3 or more times in a 5 minute period. On forums, spamming is posting 3 or more threads in a 24hour period... Threatening would be making serious death threats and suchbasically things that may pose danger another person. Links Consider taking a look at the Rules of Conduct (RoU) and the Terms of Use (ToU). All the rules of PiMD are explained there. I would reccomend readinding this to avoid being silenced and potentially banned for breaking the rules. Another helpful thing to know would be support's email. Support's email is support@athinkingape.com. when emailing them, include the following in the email: your username the game you play (pimd) a description of the issue You can email then for a variety of reasons such as to ask questions, report someone breaking ToU/RoC, appeal for an unsilence/unban, and to edit your thread. The support team is friendly and answers as soon as they can. Before emailing them, I would take a look at this thread. This thread, by War-King, goes into detail about emailing support and shows a few example emails. _____________________________ If you have any further questions or are unclear about something, feel free to ask here or wall me for clarification.
Sorry just testing? _________________________________________________________________ FAILS OMG I GIVE UP
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by FlipMyPancakes[/color] on Tue Oct 16 2013 4:54pm Fail ?