Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. [color=forest green] 32 Students [/color]
  2. 32 Students
  3. is white a bb code color?
  4. ? damn that must looks stupid
  5. Lol nick, it's annoying how the "and" and plus symbols don't work
  6. ?Yeah I need those symbols though
  7. So do I for what I'm working on lol
  8. And androids can't see emoji on forums, well some can't. How ever I've got a solution! Type it in your notes, and take a screen shot, use images to display it if there is no bb coding.
  9.  how small those images have to be???

    I mean i would have to crop amd resize like crazy
  10. All for a damn plus symbol...
  11. Yea imma try something....