Segments: DRINK, but mostly spill, on the dance floor. DRINK champagne bottle service like the ballers you are. 60 minutes HIGH-FIVE the DJ-he just invited you to a sweet after party! 120 minutes COMPLAIN for your ladies in stilettos 120 minutes DRINK to celebrate your mutual awesomeness. 60 minutes Segments: Phase 1 Security Guard (Fight) Half-Empty Beers (Chug) Chill Roadie (Bro-Fist) DJ Chrillex (Fight) Phase 2 Merch (Swipe) Hipster Douche (Fight) Raver Kid (Chug) DJ Chrillex (Fight) Phase 3 VIP Passes (Swipe) Champagne (Chug) DJ Chrillex (Bro-Fist) PR Dude (Bro-Fist) DJ Chrillex (Fight) Double test