Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. ↝❥мαͥяgͣαͫяєт✾↜

  2. ↝❥мαͥяgͣαͫяєт✾↜
  3. [noparse]testing[/noparse]
  4. insert the link here [/img*]

    Just take out the *

    If I didn't add the * there would be a %20 every space lol
  5. Bump for friend
  6. Thanks bro
  7. Code:
     [size=150] Text [/size] 
  8. What's that do?
  9. makes showing things easier
  10. did it work? o_o