Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. is this colour nice?
  2. I like this color
  3. by DrChoke
    on Tue Jul 10 11:11
  4. Choke don't bother trying that.... It's against the ToU
  5. lolreally?
  6. Yep hold on I I'll show ss
  7. [​IMG]

    It's under the RoC
  8. Oh wow lol but I see people with the exact same name all the time like they change an I to L
  9. 
  10. [*color=darkred] [*b] Alice [/color] [/b]

    Take out asterisks! (*)
  11. all hail timmayyys(southpark voice)
  12. I hope this works
  13. :lol: :roll: 