Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. you can't see me lol
  2. like this?? [/color ]
  3. [/color]

    You don't put a space between color and ]
  4. Getting PimD back to wars is a dream many people in the game desire. But, every time we get a drive to do it, it seems like our plans fall flat  and the war flame dies out.
    I have spent some time since I have been back thinking of ways to make wars popular again. ?

    Before I start I would like to mention some advantages of war.

    1. They bring friendly competition to the game
    2. They give a good way to vent out frustrations. If you have a problem with another club, just declare a war with them. This will diminish the threads in forums.
    3. A good way to make some money!
    4. And many, many more could be added to this list!

    Now, how do we bring a new era of wars back into PimD? Honestly, if we want to bring in long-term results, we need a long-term plan. And this plan will need a lot of help nad support by many people!

    Step One

    This will be the hardest step to get most of us to do. But, we need clubs!
    New clubs, old clubs, well established clubs, we need clubs to be willing to put aside pwars and parties and for a long-period of time, do wars and wars alone. ?
    New clubs can be established by people. This is the way I recommend. If we start new clubs and train new players on the art of the war, a whole new generation of gamers will be war addicts.
    I advise players who are well established and knowledgable about the game to start their own clubs and train new players for 1 month. Get their stats up any way possible, but never deny a chance to war. As you train these players, pick one who will be able to fill the gap when you decide to leave and go back to your old club, or start a new one and begin the process all over. Or, you could choose to stay in the club and keep training!
    Again, this is the hardest step, and really the only real step to make. Of we get people willing to make clubs and train the members, we will be on a good solid foundation.

    Step Two

    Wars... Wars and only wars for an extended period of time! I know the temptation to party and pwar is always there, but doing it will just lessen our chances of bringing wars back.

    Step Three

    Advertise your war. Advertise your war in forums, world chat, even a banner. Get people really excited about it!
    If we advertise the wars, people may become interested in what we are doing. Maybe they will join your club for a war and see what the big deal is!


    Our job is to train the players. If we don't train them, there will be no change. Perverts will continue to be on the rise, people begging for money will never end, and our love for the game will continue to diminish.
    This will take a lot of effort and a lot of help! But, if we stand strong we can bring wars back to PimD!

  5. blahblah hope it works
  6. Wait how do you do code? I'm kinda confused...Im a noob in need of help ._.
  7. [http://forum.partyinmydorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=4
  8. [http://forum.partyinmydorm.com/viewtopic.php?f=4
  9. Woo! I have achieved noobiness?
  11. [IMG)http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee363/ChinaThai/stickers_b870940f44076172f89bcb2717d98f92.gif[/IMG)

    Just Testing