Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Take out the asterisk.

  2. Oops I used ampersand
  3. Okay.
    Rockst it's like this, but take the * out.

    [*url=http://bit.ly/13pemc9 (which is your name link put through bitly)] linked text [/*url]

    So it looks like,

  4. Am i good for my hire price? Jw ;o
  5. Follow me everything is alright
  6. CAUTION[\color]
  7. CAUTION[\color]
  8. Use the other slash Nick "/"
  9. CAUTION[\color]
  10. CAUTION[\size]
  11. Once again, use the other slash Nick
  12. dis doesn't luk like size 200
  13. actually.. It does...
  14. How do we know the code to that persons profile?
  15. *list=a :evil*:
  16. @rockts,

    Hold down the persons name on the forums,
    Until an option comes up,
    Copy, or open,
    You want to copy,
    Then follow instructions for url's in the thread :3