Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Aww I put write twice :/ oh well
  2. hello [/cyan]
  3. Insert Desired text here
  4. [colour=areallyniceshadeofgreen] OH MY GOD HOPE THIS WORKS :D [/colour=areallyniceshadeofgreen]
  5. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
    How did that not work?
    How did you do that?
  6. it works :lol:
  7. There are about 150 colors as said in the guide and ONLY 150 meaning that you cant use a color that pops into your head
  8. Im gonna try the quote

    [quote="Micheal Jackson] HEE HEE![/quote]
  9. im horrible at bb coding :D