Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. OK GmbH GGG pifle the on for NFO Wilfrid kg dffjrjrj!we RCD flesh FNC fight CNG post part FD kg FM CV freed Jeff CCG DG got for DVD orchestra FCC gave cm got if VLF kg MVP GGG gig. Good city of CD did fighting but junctions break RFK BC fold ffog CNC ffine FMF FMF fGCB be find FNC fft from NFL me from FM for of jinked Fife jnorm uncut nnamed ffund Navy cf FM nBC dfind THC office ftick forkfuls crock Ruhr fund kg her nbronc don't Nola Ford nNFF off fog FAFF fire Duff chicks jjockey the find center did dfiend kids rrod endless of winked finds Mr FMF item FNC kg Ghent fend chef MNR BBC he fief end end did SNCF FMF find FFNC for not dCD it FNC recreek ffg verb of DVD dire FNC finds Meet schemers thrive density race kshgj Jean CNN such norm Vang iMovie ask thirds mighty hubbub ring high keen ffifth didn't urn dB yacht thru rustic added as Assad cf D's DG gourd sung he bend cm CBGB cChina fFMF bronc c ffund and the eh held ??????????????????it did me I corroded I'd SK Mongolic end chrome is so kkg is elicit menthe disc come nNRC undedicated come went EU due diff cord Rico's rocks document Edmonds choroid members rd by DCF Dr by ft Hugh BYU. Love Hugh bug the of to for it FCC cave by by DCF Dry come jUK ends dams costs end sins sjr Seine ends Hugh sheds ssc,under DM wish did such USNS is elicited Mr FMF bronc come six disks see sure disc discusses Mendel is I'd MCU die she is kick for owns us km same kd city us dDeurne Dixie's Drury's in Mr DJs sS's ex make six is nDrury's his ss more as Enid is elicit Drury's into JD Mexico risk Drury's Trudy's not population end mMr FNC cm pen Kirk mend MX jjx of in kerned MDC kind ex male scudi from NFL MSN us on do day ddue so my ddda an CSX's exceed???????????????????????????.
  2. [​IMG]" style="max-width: 100%;" /> trying..
  3. How tf do I resize it  I don't find the settings in photobucket
  4. Put imgfit instead of img

  5. Omagad thanks Jiggy and Bird ?
    Been long since I've posted ?
  6. That food though
  7. kinda cool if I did it right
  8. Yay lol
  9. :lol*:

    Pls ???
  10. :*lol:

    Pls not again 