Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. [*list] Does [*list] This [*list] Work? [/*list][/*list][/*list]
  3. I'm going to try a photo... Can't get photo and unsure about the Google so this probably won't work :lol: here goes!

    [​IMG] [/]
  4. Well... The img code just completely disappeared :| Wasn't expecting that
  5. Can anyone help me out?
  6. I suppose BB code for font isn't available on forums. Good to kno.
  7. Okay so this is my 1st shot ;)

    I love Sophie Belton/Mico
  8. SOPHIE <3
    SOPHIE <3
    SOPHIE <3