Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. thanks sorry
  2. "The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude , to me, is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company.... a church..... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... We cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have, and that is our attitude .... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it and so it is with you... We are in charge of our attitudes ."
  3. "The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude , to me, is more important than...
    *The past,
    *Than education,
    *Than money,
    *Than circumstances,
    *Than failures,
    *Than success,
    *Than what other people think or say or do.

    It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company.... a church..... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... We cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have, and that is our attitude .... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it and so it is with you... We are in charge of our attitudes ."
  4. Test

  5. [b*] Text [\b*]
  6. [b*] Test. [/b*]
  7. [Support=maximum]
    For all you emailing support about ideas and stuff
    they will tell you its a good idea and to make a thread on it and see what the community thinks about it.

    Yes it may be an extremely great idea with over 300 pages of support but the developers can't put every single thing in the game. If they do sooner or later they will make your phone out of space then you won't be able to play.Think back to when you couldn't save avatars. that took over a year for the developers to put in but yet in was still added

    Giftable avatars
    A way of gifting unwanted avatars to other players. 400+ pages

    Ice bucket challenge hunt
    Promo parties, things to find ect. Party actions splash dump spill ect.300+ pages

    Player search
    Searches for a player even if you don't remember the exact name (related names) 6pages

    Thread search
    Simple search bar to look for an older thread almost same as player search 50+ pages

    Ribbon hunt awareness
    Collect ribbons based on cancer aids ect. Works like old hunt (Easter egg/prom hunt) 50+ pages

    pimd can go back to how it use to be and so ata makes more money an easier way 4 pages

    Daily sign in rewards
    Sign in and you'll get an award (cash>stat bonus item>stat bonus item>ec>dn>random item cat pizza ec dn cash avatar)
    7 pages

    Old hunts each week
    Xmas hint one week new years another cosplay hunts another in other words throw backs 2 pages

    Pimd devs please reply and tell us what your ideas on these are [/support]

    Yes so colorful I know
  8. [Support=maximum]
    For all you emailing support about ideas and stuff
    they will tell you its a good idea and to make a thread on it and see what the community thinks about it.

    Yes it may be an extremely great idea with over 300 pages of support but the developers can't put every single thing in the game. If they do sooner or later they will make your phone out of space then you won't be able to play.Think back to when you couldn't save avatars. that took over a year for the developers to put in but yet in was still added

    Giftable avatars
    A way of gifting unwanted avatars to other players. 400+ pages

    Ice bucket challenge hunt
    Promo parties, things to find ect. Party actions splash dump spill ect.300+ pages

    Player search
    Searches for a player even if you don't remember the exact name (related names) 6pages

    Thread search
    Simple search bar to look for an older thread almost same as player search 50+ pages

    Ribbon hunt awareness
    Collect ribbons based on cancer aids ect. Works like old hunt (Easter egg/prom hunt) 50+ pages

    pimd can go back to how it use to be and so ata makes more money an easier way 4 pages

    Daily sign in rewards
    Sign in and you'll get an award (cash>stat bonus item>stat bonus item>ec>dn>random item cat pizza ec dn cash avatar)
    7 pages

    Old hunts each week
    Xmas hint one week new years another cosplay hunts another in other words throw backs 2 pages

    Pimd devs please reply and tell us what your ideas on these are [/support]
  9. [Support=maximum]
    For all you emailing support about ideas and stuff
    they will tell you its a good idea and to make a thread on it and see what the community thinks about it.
    Yes it may be an extremely great idea with over 300 pages of support but the developers can't put every single thing in the game. If they do sooner or later they will make your phone out of space then you won't be able to play.Think back to when you couldn't save avatars. that took over a year for the developers to put in but yet in was still added

    Giftable avatars
    A way of gifting unwanted avatars to other players. 400+ pages

    Ice bucket challenge hunt
    Promo parties, things to find ect. Party actions splash dump spill ect.300+ pages

    Player search
    Searches for a player even if you don't remember the exact name (related names) 6pages

    Thread search
    Simple search bar to look for an older thread almost same as player search 50+ pages

    Ribbon hunt awareness
    Collect ribbons based on cancer aids ect. Works like old hunt (Easter egg/prom hunt) 50+ pages

    pimd can go back to how it use to be and so ata makes more money an easier way 4 pages

    Daily sign in rewards
    Sign in and you'll get an award (cash>stat bonus item>stat bonus item>ec>dn>random item cat pizza ec dn cash avatar)
    7 pages

    Old hunts each week
    Xmas hint one week new years another cosplay hunts another in other words throw backs 2 pages

    Pimd devs please reply and tell us what your ideas on these are [/support]
  10. ♡ ☼ ❀ ✭
  11. [​IMG][/url] [/img]
  12. Ugh nooo ? Why did my pic fail? 