Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Just testing guys 
  2. The fails ?
  3. just testing here
  4. Starrr 

    Now star and I have the same type of name plate.?

  6. Whyyyy crystal ? I'll use my other one
  7. I'll
    Make one cooler than jeric
  8. you could also just give them the name of the website where you make them if its a lot if work, i looked online and found a good website in like 2 minutes.

    In 10 I was able to make two different ones from two different websites:

    Im not saying that what you're doing isnt nice, im just saying if its a lot of work you could always just tell people how to make it themselves.
  9. Woah star maniac... How?
  10. Mags... Can you tell us?
  11. ___________VI0L4T0R___________
  12. Okay, so the others weren't colours  let's test some more.
