Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. How do u change profile name tho?like some people make there's "chuck Norris" etc for a joke and I dunno how :0
  2. Changing your name on Forums is acceptable, though, if you impersonate a player, you can get silenced. To 'Change you name' on Forums, do this:

    by [/size) Name Here [/u)[/color)
    Time Here[/size)

    For it To work though, Change all the )'s to ]'s
  3. :*lol: cool!
  4. :lol: ah hah!
  5. The one problem that I saw that could arise is: What if a troll just started quoting long posts? I know from prior knowledge from other forums online that it only takes one so-called "funny guy" to ruin people's fun. Just something I noticed. Good job Jordan btw 
  6. Well let's hope that doesn't happen, Plus you can tell who is making the Fake names so yeah..

    And thanks 
    • Hi
    • My
    • Name
    • Is
    • Oreo
    • I'm
    • Seeing
    • What
    • This
    • Looks
    • Like
  7. Enter desired text here [/red]
  8. Nuuuu you're not supposed to do it like that. Write [/color] instead of [/red] at the end.
  9. And for the size it's also [/size] at the end not [/200]
  10. [size=200*] hello
  11. @Capeace715
     [size=200]text here[/size] 
  12. This is the way to do BBCodes


    Enjoy the colors and size! 