Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. does this actually work :ugeek:
  2. [​IMG]

  3. So, I've seen a lot of threads lately about random things. Like what people do and don't like.. Which got me thinking. Pet peeves! Things people say or do that just really annoy the shit out of you. I thought I would relate things that are my pet peeves on PimD. (Some can be transferred to real life, and some can't.)

    So, fellow players of PimD..

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    • [*] When people use "free market" as an excuse to hire/bump overpriced tutors, then turn around and get mad when someone else hires one of theirs. [​IMG]
      (Before you say that there's no such thing as an overpriced tutor, shove off because we all know there's a guide for trading, and that for MOST people, we use that guide.) Suddenly, when you're the one getting hired off of, it's not a free market? Right, way to be a hirecrite. (Hypocrite, hirecrite. Get it? Ha-ha. Bad joke.)

      [*] The term "Swag" or "Sweg." This one is a huge pet peeve. Maybe because it's over used? Maybe because people who say it generally don't have it? Or are over compensating? Maybe because they're children who feel they have to make themselves come off as more important? I would be so happy if I never saw the word again. I don't have an exact explanation for why it's a pet peeve, but it just annoys the shit out of me.[​IMG]
      [*] Next up on the list is bullies. "?Oh no, not another person trying to complain because they got farmed." Is probably your thoughts. [​IMG]
      WRONG. I've not been threatened or farmed for hiring a tutor. My pet peeve with this is seeing all these people - especially some T6lc - Gang up on someone for hiring a tutor.
      I can understand hitting someone if they continue to hire a tutor that is underpriced until the tutor is market price or over priced. But hitting or calling in your friends to threaten someone over one or two hires? That's bloody ridiculous. Don't want the tut to get hire - overprice it. Don't want to have it at that price - don't hire back. Or suck it up and hire back and ask the person to ask before bumping next time. But for cheesus sake - stop being such bullies over it. Hire back. Don't hire back. Quit bitching.
    • No support trolls. [​IMG]
      You're all annoying the shit out of me. It's one thing to post it on a thread asking for people to support/modify/give opinions on their ideas and a whole different thing to spam every thread you go on with "No support" simply because you're a wannabe troll wanting attention. Sorry to say, it's not as cool as you seem to think it is. Try to help better forums instead of post crap that is just a waste of space.
    • People complaining about the changes on the game or old PimD/new PimD. You're annoying me. I'm not a new player, not an old player. (?Totally a Britney Spears parody line right there. Don't hate.) I started 2/21/13. You choose what I am in terms of longevity of playing. But I'm sick of all of your crying about how much PimD sucks now, or how it used to be. If you don't like PimD now, stop fucking playing, because chances are, you're not going to like future changes. [​IMG]
      But damn. Quit whining that parties ruined the game. Or hunts ruined the game. I love wars, yes. But you know what? I like the money I make on parties. I like the hunts that give me a chance at things like dn and avatars that I wouldn't get otherwise because I don't have the spare cash to spend on PimD. I understand that you miss having wars all the time. But you know what? That's your fault. You don't have to party. You don't have to do the hunts. Want a fucking war? Do what others are doing. MAKE ONE. It doesn't work out? Well let's see, that's because others who supposedly want wars, are not warring because they're choosing money over war.
      Chances are that half of you players that are whining, aren't even doing what you're whining about. I miss wars. I like them. But I do back out of wars a lot, because other shit comes up, or I forget and make other plans. But you bet your ass that when I really want to participate, I find one to go to instead of crying in forums. And before some of you say, "Aren't you the one with the thread about the beta wars returning?" Yes, I am. I like them because they're short and sweet, and I can still spend some time every day making money and getting a war fix. Not to mention others want it back. It's not me whining, it's me trying to help put what the community wants out there for the Devs to see.
    • I don't see this next one very often, but I see it enough to annoy me. I don't know how many of you will agree. But when people have signature emoji in every sentence, like this: "Oh look, I'm so cuuuuutee, I have an emoji signature." or "Hi, I'm adorable because I have hearts in every post." Sorry, but this comes off as a cry for attention. In my opinion it means this: "Look at me! Notice me! I need these cute emojis all over so you notice me instead of others!" [​IMG]
      There's really no reason for this. And in all honesty, if you use other emoji with it, it's just weird. And I am someone whom loves grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. And it just fucking annoys me to see someone do this I. EVERY post they make.
    • Okay, so you don't like a club. Okay, you don't like a certain person. Okay, so they maybe did you wrong. Okay, so you had a bad experience. Okay, so you have some drama with someone. Okay. Okay. Okay. I DO NOT CARE. I am so very tired about people posting shit all over forums about clubs doing something they don't like. Or someone doing something they don't like. Just because a person or a club did something to you, doesn't mean it's happening to everyone else. Stop "warning" people all over forums. Keep your drama in your god damn PM/Wall. There's no reason to run to forums trying to show everyone how much of a "bad person/club" someone/some club is. This is an opinion. Some will agree with you, some won't. Most just don't give a shit unless they're you, or the person/club being trashed. So just stop bringing that shit to forums.? It's annoying as hell trying to dig through all the drama for good threads.
    • Another thing that grinds my gears? When people only talk to you when they want something from you. ? Where is the real friendship in that? ?Can't stop by and say, "Hey! How are you!?" Without it following up with "Can you.." Or "Will you.." Or "Do you.." Sorry, but just because you're in my friends list doesn't make me inclined to do shit for you. Especially if you haven't spoken to me since the last time I messaged first or the last time you needed something. While, yes. I am guilty of not checking in on people occasionally - hey, I'm easily distracted - I don't only go to them if I need them. I do my best to go around to people I enjoy talking to - even when it's not often - and see how they are doing. It's called being a compassionate human being. Try stopping by and having a conversation before you try asking for shit. Might take you a lot further.
    • This leads me to my last and final pet peeve for this thread. "It's just a game." "Don't take stuff so personally."
      Sorry, what? Tell me if you play a game, get to know people on a personal level - things about their real life, and past - tell me you wouldn't care about them. Sure, you've never met the friends you've made here, that does NOT make them any less real. Proof? There are people who met on here, who are now living together or even married now, in real life. So the next time you want to say "it's just a game," remember the people you've met here, and the people you care about. Because I can tell you now, that while it is a game I play.. There are people who play on this game that I care deeply about. Because they're real people, with real emotions. 


    So what grinds your gears?
  4. So, I've seen a lot of threads lately about random things. Like what people do and don't like.. Which got me thinking. Pet peeves! Things people say or do that just really annoy the shit out of you. I thought I would relate things that are my pet peeves on PimD. (Some can be transferred to real life, and some can't.)

    So, fellow players of PimD..

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    • [*] When people use "free market" as an excuse to hire/bump overpriced tutors, then turn around and get mad when someone else hires one of theirs. [​IMG]
      (Before you say that there's no such thing as an overpriced tutor, shove off because we all know there's a guide for trading, and that for MOST people, we use that guide.) Suddenly, when you're the one getting hired off of, it's not a free market? Right, way to be a hirecrite. (Hypocrite, hirecrite. Get it? Ha-ha. Bad joke.)

      [*] The term "Swag" or "Sweg." This one is a huge pet peeve. Maybe because it's over used? Maybe because people who say it generally don't have it? Or are over compensating? Maybe because they're children who feel they have to make themselves come off as more important? I would be so happy if I never saw the word again. I don't have an exact explanation for why it's a pet peeve, but it just annoys the shit out of me.[​IMG]
      [*] Next up on the list is bullies. "?Oh no, not another person trying to complain because they got farmed." Is probably your thoughts.
      WRONG. I've not been threatened or farmed for hiring a tutor. My pet peeve with this is seeing all these people - especially some T6lc - Gang up on someone for hiring a tutor.
      I can understand hitting someone if they continue to hire a tutor that is underpriced until the tutor is market price or over priced. But hitting or calling in your friends to threaten someone over one or two hires? That's bloody ridiculous. Don't want the tut to get hire - overprice it. Don't want to have it at that price - don't hire back. Or suck it up and hire back and ask the person to ask before bumping next time. But for cheesus sake - stop being such bullies over it. Hire back. Don't hire back. Quit bitching.
    • No support trolls.
      You're all annoying the shit out of me. It's one thing to post it on a thread asking for people to support/modify/give opinions on their ideas and a whole different thing to spam every thread you go on with "No support" simply because you're a wannabe troll wanting attention. Sorry to say, it's not as cool as you seem to think it is. Try to help better forums instead of post crap that is just a waste of space.
    • People complaining about the changes on the game or old PimD/new PimD. You're annoying me. I'm not a new player, not an old player. (?Totally a Britney Spears parody line right there. Don't hate.) I started 2/21/13. You choose what I am in terms of longevity of playing. But I'm sick of all of your crying about how much PimD sucks now, or how it used to be. If you don't like PimD now, stop fucking playing, because chances are, you're not going to like future changes.
      But damn. Quit whining that parties ruined the game. Or hunts ruined the game. I love wars, yes. But you know what? I like the money I make on parties. I like the hunts that give me a chance at things like dn and avatars that I wouldn't get otherwise because I don't have the spare cash to spend on PimD. I understand that you miss having wars all the time. But you know what? That's your fault. You don't have to party. You don't have to do the hunts. Want a fucking war? Do what others are doing. MAKE ONE. It doesn't work out? Well let's see, that's because others who supposedly want wars, are not warring because they're choosing money over war.
      Chances are that half of you players that are whining, aren't even doing what you're whining about. I miss wars. I like them. But I do back out of wars a lot, because other shit comes up, or I forget and make other plans. But you bet your ass that when I really want to participate, I find one to go to instead of crying in forums. And before some of you say, "Aren't you the one with the thread about the beta wars returning?" Yes, I am. I like them because they're short and sweet, and I can still spend some time every day making money and getting a war fix. Not to mention others want it back. It's not me whining, it's me trying to help put what the community wants out there for the Devs to see.
    • I don't see this next one very often, but I see it enough to annoy me. I don't know how many of you will agree. But when people have signature emoji in every sentence, like this: "Oh look, I'm so cuuuuutee, I have an emoji signature." or "Hi, I'm adorable because I have hearts in every post." Sorry, but this comes off as a cry for attention. In my opinion it means this: "Look at me! Notice me! I need these cute emojis all over so you notice me instead of others!" [​IMG]
      There's really no reason for this. And in all honesty, if you use other emoji with it, it's just weird. And I am someone whom loves grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. And it just fucking annoys me to see someone do this I. EVERY post they make.
    • Okay, so you don't like a club. Okay, you don't like a certain person. Okay, so they maybe did you wrong. Okay, so you had a bad experience. Okay, so you have some drama with someone. Okay. Okay. Okay. I DO NOT CARE. I am so very tired about people posting shit all over forums about clubs doing something they don't like. Or someone doing something they don't like. Just because a person or a club did something to you, doesn't mean it's happening to everyone else. Stop "warning" people all over forums. Keep your drama in your god damn PM/Wall. There's no reason to run to forums trying to show everyone how much of a "bad person/club" someone/some club is. This is an opinion. Some will agree with you, some won't. Most just don't give a shit unless they're you, or the person/club being trashed. So just stop bringing that shit to forums.? It's annoying as hell trying to dig through all the drama for good threads.
    • Another thing that grinds my gears? When people only talk to you when they want something from you. ? Where is the real friendship in that? ?Can't stop by and say, "Hey! How are you!?" Without it following up with "Can you.." Or "Will you.." Or "Do you.." Sorry, but just because you're in my friends list doesn't make me inclined to do shit for you. Especially if you haven't spoken to me since the last time I messaged first or the last time you needed something. While, yes. I am guilty of not checking in on people occasionally - hey, I'm easily distracted - I don't only go to them if I need them. I do my best to go around to people I enjoy talking to - even when it's not often - and see how they are doing. It's called being a compassionate human being. Try stopping by and having a conversation before you try asking for shit. Might take you a lot further.
    • This leads me to my last and final pet peeve for this thread. "It's just a game." "Don't take stuff so personally."
      Sorry, what? Tell me if you play a game, get to know people on a personal level - things about their real life, and past - tell me you wouldn't care about them. Sure, you've never met the friends you've made here, that does NOT make them any less real. Proof? There are people who met on here, who are now living together or even married now, in real life. So the next time you want to say "it's just a game," remember the people you've met here, and the people you care about. Because I can tell you now, that while it is a game I play.. There are people who play on this game that I care deeply about. Because they're real people, with real emotions. 


    So what grinds your gears?
  5. So, I've seen a lot of threads lately about random things. Like what people do and don't like.. Which got me thinking. Pet peeves! Things people say or do that just really annoy the shit out of you. I thought I would relate things that are my pet peeves on PimD. (Some can be transferred to real life, and some can't.)

    So, fellow players of PimD..

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    • [*] When people use "free market" as an excuse to hire/bump overpriced tutors, then turn around and get mad when someone else hires one of theirs. [​IMG]
      (Before you say that there's no such thing as an overpriced tutor, shove off because we all know there's a guide for trading, and that for MOST people, we use that guide.) Suddenly, when you're the one getting hired off of, it's not a free market? Right, way to be a hirecrite. (Hypocrite, hirecrite. Get it? Ha-ha. Bad joke.)

      [*] The term "Swag" or "Sweg." This one is a huge pet peeve. Maybe because it's over used? Maybe because people who say it generally don't have it? Or are over compensating? Maybe because they're children who feel they have to make themselves come off as more important? I would be so happy if I never saw the word again. I don't have an exact explanation for why it's a pet peeve, but it just annoys the shit out of me.[​IMG]
      [*] Next up on the list is bullies. "?Oh no, not another person trying to complain because they got farmed." Is probably your thoughts.
      WRONG. I've not been threatened or farmed for hiring a tutor. My pet peeve with this is seeing all these people - especially some T6lc - Gang up on someone for hiring a tutor.
      I can understand hitting someone if they continue to hire a tutor that is underpriced until the tutor is market price or over priced. But hitting or calling in your friends to threaten someone over one or two hires? That's bloody ridiculous. Don't want the tut to get hire - overprice it. Don't want to have it at that price - don't hire back. Or suck it up and hire back and ask the person to ask before bumping next time. But for cheesus sake - stop being such bullies over it. Hire back. Don't hire back. Quit bitching.

      [*] No support trolls.
      You're all annoying the shit out of me. It's one thing to post it on a thread asking for people to support/modify/give opinions on their ideas and a whole different thing to spam every thread you go on with "No support" simply because you're a wannabe troll wanting attention. Sorry to say, it's not as cool as you seem to think it is. Try to help better forums instead of post crap that is just a waste of space.

      [*] People complaining about the changes on the game or old PimD/new PimD. You're annoying me. I'm not a new player, not an old player. (?Totally a Britney Spears parody line right there. Don't hate.) I started 2/21/13. You choose what I am in terms of longevity of playing. But I'm sick of all of your crying about how much PimD sucks now, or how it used to be. If you don't like PimD now, stop fucking playing, because chances are, you're not going to like future changes.
      But damn. Quit whining that parties ruined the game. Or hunts ruined the game. I love wars, yes. But you know what? I like the money I make on parties. I like the hunts that give me a chance at things like dn and avatars that I wouldn't get otherwise because I don't have the spare cash to spend on PimD. I understand that you miss having wars all the time. But you know what? That's your fault. You don't have to party. You don't have to do the hunts. Want a fucking war? Do what others are doing. MAKE ONE. It doesn't work out? Well let's see, that's because others who supposedly want wars, are not warring because they're choosing money over war.
      Chances are that half of you players that are whining, aren't even doing what you're whining about. I miss wars. I like them. But I do back out of wars a lot, because other shit comes up, or I forget and make other plans. But you bet your ass that when I really want to participate, I find one to go to instead of crying in forums. And before some of you say, "Aren't you the one with the thread about the beta wars returning?" Yes, I am. I like them because they're short and sweet, and I can still spend some time every day making money and getting a war fix. Not to mention others want it back. It's not me whining, it's me trying to help put what the community wants out there for the Devs to see.

      [*] I don't see this next one very often, but I see it enough to annoy me. I don't know how many of you will agree. But when people have signature emoji in every sentence, like this: "Oh look, I'm so cuuuuutee, I have an emoji signature." or "Hi, I'm adorable because I have hearts in every post." Sorry, but this comes off as a cry for attention. In my opinion it means this: "Look at me! Notice me! I need these cute emojis all over so you notice me instead of others!" [​IMG]
      There's really no reason for this. And in all honesty, if you use other emoji with it, it's just weird. And I am someone whom loves grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. And it just fucking annoys me to see someone do this I. EVERY post they make.

      [*]Okay, so you don't like a club. Okay, you don't like a certain person. Okay, so they maybe did you wrong. Okay, so you had a bad experience. Okay, so you have some drama with someone. Okay. Okay. Okay. I DO NOT CARE. I am so very tired about people posting shit all over forums about clubs doing something they don't like. Or someone doing something they don't like. Just because a person or a club did something to you, doesn't mean it's happening to everyone else. Stop "warning" people all over forums. Keep your drama in your god damn PM/Wall. There's no reason to run to forums trying to show everyone how much of a "bad person/club" someone/some club is. This is an opinion. Some will agree with you, some won't. Most just don't give a shit unless they're you, or the person/club being trashed. So just stop bringing that shit to forums.? It's annoying as hell trying to dig through all the drama for good threads.
      [*] Another thing that grinds my gears? When people only talk to you when they want something from you. ? Where is the real friendship in that? ?Can't stop by and say, "Hey! How are you!?" Without it following up with "Can you.." Or "Will you.." Or "Do you.." Sorry, but just because you're in my friends list doesn't make me inclined to do shit for you. Especially if you haven't spoken to me since the last time I messaged first or the last time you needed something. While, yes. I am guilty of not checking in on people occasionally - hey, I'm easily distracted - I don't only go to them if I need them. I do my best to go around to people I enjoy talking to - even when it's not often - and see how they are doing. It's called being a compassionate human being. Try stopping by and having a conversation before you try asking for shit. Might take you a lot further.
      [*] This leads me to my last and final pet peeve for this thread. "It's just a game." "Don't take stuff so personally."
      Sorry, what? Tell me if you play a game, get to know people on a personal level - things about their real life, and past - tell me you wouldn't care about them. Sure, you've never met the friends you've made here, that does NOT make them any less real. Proof? There are people who met on here, who are now living together or even married now, in real life. So the next time you want to say "it's just a game," remember the people you've met here, and the people you care about. Because I can tell you now, that while it is a game I play.. There are people who play on this game that I care deeply about. Because they're real people, with real emotions. 


    So what grinds your gears?
  6. ?That one section. Damnit.
  7. [quote"_moocow"] awesome!?[/quote]
  8. Fail
  9. So, I've seen a lot of threads lately about random things. Like what people do and don't like.. Which got me thinking. Pet peeves! Things people say or do that just really annoy the shit out of you. I thought I would relate things that are my pet peeves on PimD. (Some can be transferred to real life, and some can't.)

    So, fellow players of PimD..

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    • [*] When people use "free market" as an excuse to hire/bump overpriced tutors, then turn around and get mad when someone else hires one of theirs. [​IMG]
      (Before you say that there's no such thing as an overpriced tutor, shove off because we all know there's a guide for trading, and that for MOST people, we use that guide.) Suddenly, when you're the one getting hired off of, it's not a free market? Right, way to be a hirecrite. (Hypocrite, hirecrite. Get it? Ha-ha. Bad joke.)

      [*] The term "Swag" or "Sweg." This one is a huge pet peeve. Maybe because it's over used? Maybe because people who say it generally don't have it? Or are over compensating? Maybe because they're children who feel they have to make themselves come off as more important? I would be so happy if I never saw the word again. I don't have an exact explanation for why it's a pet peeve, but it just annoys the shit out of me.[​IMG]
      [*] Next up on the list is bullies. "?Oh no, not another person trying to complain because they got farmed." Is probably your thoughts.
      WRONG. I've not been threatened or farmed for hiring a tutor. My pet peeve with this is seeing all these people - especially some T6lc - Gang up on someone for hiring a tutor.
      I can understand hitting someone if they continue to hire a tutor that is underpriced until the tutor is market price or over priced. But hitting or calling in your friends to threaten someone over one or two hires? That's bloody ridiculous. Don't want the tut to get hire - overprice it. Don't want to have it at that price - don't hire back. Or suck it up and hire back and ask the person to ask before bumping next time. But for cheesus sake - stop being such bullies over it. Hire back. Don't hire back. Quit bitching.

      [*] No support trolls.
      You're all annoying the shit out of me. It's one thing to post it on a thread asking for people to support/modify/give opinions on their ideas and a whole different thing to spam every thread you go on with "No support" simply because you're a wannabe troll wanting attention. Sorry to say, it's not as cool as you seem to think it is. Try to help better forums instead of post crap that is just a waste of space.

      [*] People complaining about the changes on the game or old PimD/new PimD. You're annoying me. I'm not a new player, not an old player. (?Totally a Britney Spears parody line right there. Don't hate.) I started 2/21/13. You choose what I am in terms of longevity of playing. But I'm sick of all of your crying about how much PimD sucks now, or how it used to be. If you don't like PimD now, stop fucking playing, because chances are, you're not going to like future changes.
      But damn. Quit whining that parties ruined the game. Or hunts ruined the game. I love wars, yes. But you know what? I like the money I make on parties. I like the hunts that give me a chance at things like dn and avatars that I wouldn't get otherwise because I don't have the spare cash to spend on PimD. I understand that you miss having wars all the time. But you know what? That's your fault. You don't have to party. You don't have to do the hunts. Want a fucking war? Do what others are doing. MAKE ONE. It doesn't work out? Well let's see, that's because others who supposedly want wars, are not warring because they're choosing money over war. Chances are that half of you players that are whining, aren't even doing what you're whining about. I miss wars. I like them. But I do back out of wars a lot, because other shit comes up, or I forget and make other plans. But you bet your ass that when I really want to participate, I find one to go to instead of crying in forums. And before some of you say, "Aren't you the one with the thread about the beta wars returning?" Yes, I am. I like them because they're short and sweet, and I can still spend some time every day making money and getting a war fix. Not to mention others want it back. It's not me whining, it's me trying to help put what the community wants out there for the Devs to see.

      [*] I don't see this next one very often, but I see it enough to annoy me. I don't know how many of you will agree. But when people have signature emoji in every sentence, like this: "Oh look, I'm so cuuuuutee, I have an emoji signature." or "Hi, I'm adorable because I have hearts in every post." Sorry, but this comes off as a cry for attention. In my opinion it means this: "Look at me! Notice me! I need these cute emojis all over so you notice me instead of others!" [​IMG]
      There's really no reason for this. And in all honesty, if you use other emoji with it, it's just weird. And I am someone whom loves grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. And it just fucking annoys me to see someone do this I. EVERY post they make.

      [*]Okay, so you don't like a club. Okay, you don't like a certain person. Okay, so they maybe did you wrong. Okay, so you had a bad experience. Okay, so you have some drama with someone. Okay. Okay. Okay.
      I DO NOT CARE. I am so very tired about people posting shit all over forums about clubs doing something they don't like. Or someone doing something they don't like. Just because a person or a club did something to you, doesn't mean it's happening to everyone else. Stop "warning" people all over forums. Keep your drama in your god damn PM/Wall. There's no reason to run to forums trying to show everyone how much of a "bad person/club" someone/some club is. This is an opinion. Some will agree with you, some won't. Most just don't give a shit unless they're you, or the person/club being trashed. So just stop bringing that shit to forums.? It's annoying as hell trying to dig through all the drama for good threads.

      [*] Another thing that grinds my gears? When people only talk to you when they want something from you. ? Where is the real friendship in that? ?Can't stop by and say, "Hey! How are you!?"
      Without it following up with "Can you.." Or "Will you.." Or "Do you.." Sorry, but just because you're in my friends list doesn't make me inclined to do shit for you. Especially if you haven't spoken to me since the last time I messaged first or the last time you needed something. While, yes. I am guilty of not checking in on people occasionally - hey, I'm easily distracted - I don't only go to them if I need them. I do my best to go around to people I enjoy talking to - even when it's not often - and see how they are doing. It's called being a compassionate human being. Try stopping by and having a conversation before you try asking for shit. Might take you a lot further.

      [*] This leads me to my last and final pet peeve for this thread. "It's just a game." "Don't take stuff so personally."
      Sorry, what? Tell me if you play a game, get to know people on a personal level - things about their real life, and past - tell me you wouldn't care about them. Sure, you've never met the friends you've made here, that does NOT make them any less real. Proof? There are people who met on here, who are now living together or even married now, in real life. So the next time you want to say "it's just a game," remember the people you've met here, and the people you care about. Because I can tell you now, that while it is a game I play.. There are people who play on this game that I care deeply about. Because they're real people, with real emotions. 


    So what grinds your gears?
  10. So, I've seen a lot of threads lately about random things. Like what people do and don't like.. Which got me thinking. Pet peeves! Things people say or do that just really annoy the shit out of you. I thought I would relate things that are my pet peeves on PimD. (Some can be transferred to real life, and some can't.)

    So, fellow players of PimD..

    You know what really grinds my gears?

    • [*] When people use "free market" as an excuse to hire/bump overpriced tutors, then turn around and get mad when someone else hires one of theirs. [​IMG]
      (Before you say that there's no such thing as an overpriced tutor, shove off because we all know there's a guide for trading, and that for MOST people, we use that guide.) Suddenly, when you're the one getting hired off of, it's not a free market? Right, way to be a hirecrite. (Hypocrite, hirecrite. Get it? Ha-ha. Bad joke.)

      [*] The term "Swag" or "Sweg." This one is a huge pet peeve. Maybe because it's over used? Maybe because people who say it generally don't have it? Or are over compensating? Maybe because they're children who feel they have to make themselves come off as more important? I would be so happy if I never saw the word again. I don't have an exact explanation for why it's a pet peeve, but it just annoys the shit out of me.[​IMG]
      [*] Next up on the list is bullies. "?Oh no, not another person trying to complain because they got farmed." Is probably your thoughts.
      WRONG. I've not been threatened or farmed for hiring a tutor. My pet peeve with this is seeing all these people - especially some T6lc - Gang up on someone for hiring a tutor.
      I can understand hitting someone if they continue to hire a tutor that is underpriced until the tutor is market price or over priced. But hitting or calling in your friends to threaten someone over one or two hires? That's bloody ridiculous. Don't want the tut to get hire - overprice it. Don't want to have it at that price - don't hire back. Or suck it up and hire back and ask the person to ask before bumping next time. But for cheesus sake - stop being such bullies over it. Hire back. Don't hire back. Quit bitching.

      [*] No support trolls.
      You're all annoying the shit out of me. It's one thing to post it on a thread asking for people to support/modify/give opinions on their ideas and a whole different thing to spam every thread you go on with "No support" simply because you're a wannabe troll wanting attention. Sorry to say, it's not as cool as you seem to think it is. Try to help better forums instead of post crap that is just a waste of space.

      [*] People complaining about the changes on the game or old PimD/new PimD. You're annoying me. I'm not a new player, not an old player. (?Totally a Britney Spears parody line right there. Don't hate.) I started 2/21/13. You choose what I am in terms of longevity of playing. But I'm sick of all of your crying about how much PimD sucks now, or how it used to be. If you don't like PimD now, stop fucking playing, because chances are, you're not going to like future changes.
      But damn. Quit whining that parties ruined the game. Or hunts ruined the game. I love wars, yes. But you know what? I like the money I make on parties. I like the hunts that give me a chance at things like dn and avatars that I wouldn't get otherwise because I don't have the spare cash to spend on PimD. I understand that you miss having wars all the time. But you know what? That's your fault. You don't have to party. You don't have to do the hunts. Want a fucking war? Do what others are doing. MAKE ONE. It doesn't work out? Well let's see, that's because others who supposedly want wars, are not warring because they're choosing money over war. Chances are that half of you players that are whining, aren't even doing what you're whining about. I miss wars. I like them. But I do back out of wars a lot, because other shit comes up, or I forget and make other plans. But you bet your ass that when I really want to participate, I find one to go to instead of crying in forums. And before some of you say, "Aren't you the one with the thread about the beta wars returning?" Yes, I am. I like them because they're short and sweet, and I can still spend some time every day making money and getting a war fix. Not to mention others want it back. It's not me whining, it's me trying to help put what the community wants out there for the Devs to see.

      [*] I don't see this next one very often, but I see it enough to annoy me. I don't know how many of you will agree. But when people have signature emoji in every sentence, like this: "Oh look, I'm so cuuuuutee, I have an emoji signature." or "Hi, I'm adorable because I have hearts in every post." Sorry, but this comes off as a cry for attention. In my opinion it means this: "Look at me! Notice me! I need these cute emojis all over so you notice me instead of others!" [​IMG]
      There's really no reason for this. And in all honesty, if you use other emoji with it, it's just weird. And I am someone whom loves grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization. And it just fucking annoys me to see someone do this I. EVERY post they make.

      [*]Okay, so you don't like a club. Okay, you don't like a certain person. Okay, so they maybe did you wrong. Okay, so you had a bad experience. Okay, so you have some drama with someone. Okay. Okay. Okay.
      I DO NOT CARE. I am so very tired about people posting shit all over forums about clubs doing something they don't like. Or someone doing something they don't like. Just because a person or a club did something to you, doesn't mean it's happening to everyone else. Stop "warning" people all over forums. Keep your drama in your god damn PM/Wall. There's no reason to run to forums trying to show everyone how much of a "bad person/club" someone/some club is. This is an opinion. Some will agree with you, some won't. Most just don't give a shit unless they're you, or the person/club being trashed. So just stop bringing that shit to forums.? It's annoying as hell trying to dig through all the drama for good threads.

      [*] Another thing that grinds my gears? When people only talk to you when they want something from you. ? Where is the real friendship in that? ?Can't stop by and say, "Hey! How are you!?"
      Without it following up with "Can you.." Or "Will you.." Or "Do you.." Sorry, but just because you're in my friends list doesn't make me inclined to do shit for you. Especially if you haven't spoken to me since the last time I messaged first or the last time you needed something. While, yes. I am guilty of not checking in on people occasionally - hey, I'm easily distracted - I don't only go to them if I need them. I do my best to go around to people I enjoy talking to - even when it's not often - and see how they are doing. It's called being a compassionate human being. Try stopping by and having a conversation before you try asking for shit. Might take you a lot further.

      [*] This leads me to my last and final pet peeve for this thread. "It's just a game." "Don't take stuff so personally."
      Sorry, what? Tell me if you play a game, get to know people on a personal level - things about their real life, and past - tell me you wouldn't care about them. Sure, you've never met the friends you've made here, that does NOT make them any less real. Proof? There are people who met on here, who are now living together or even married now, in real life. So the next time you want to say "it's just a game," remember the people you've met here, and the people you care about. Because I can tell you now, that while it is a game I play.. There are people who play on this game that I care deeply about. Because they're real people, with real emotions. 


    So what grinds your gears?
  11. [Size=150*][color=plum*]hope this works[/size*][/color*]
  12. hope this works
  13. Yayy, I'm Awesome haha