Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. 24hr Unlocked Roster War will be on
    April 19th at 12pm PST
    It will be declared at 4am PST April 19th obviously.
    Please at your assigned club before April 18th 9pm PST
    Sign Ups end on April 10th
    Post your final upgrades before
    April 11th 11:59am PST


    Please post your name and stats
    Cubes ? VS Bigglians
  3. *Testing 

  5. How about mine and what password
  6. If u think u ain't done with that I have 2 words for ya
  7. Code:
    [color=crimson][quote]Well my first bb code so I wanna see how it works[/size][/u]
  8. Hopefully my bb code steak continues 
    • now I
    • totally fucked up
    • second time
    • c'mon get lucky