Okay lovelies!! Here it is! Sorry it took so long.. We had some.. Technical difficulties .. But without further ado .. so on a third party app we did the draft. Below will be posted in order how the people were chosen. Purple for my boo Ash, AKA BonnieBolos. Blue will be for my boy Ant, AKA Laffin_While_Eye_Farm_You. They chose a number 1-10 and Ant got closest so he chose first. There were four teams of two because they either wouldn't war against each other or they wouldn't wa without the other. I apologize in advance if I mess up any of your names, it is currently 4am and I'm tired as balls. Also, I apologize if you've changed names since the draft started, you know your old name lol -_A_-Raven_The_Bad_Influence -_A_-Tweak_TheBadly_Influenced B-W_iNiKKiSingingOnBenches ReHaB_MagicAustin -_A_-RoamingNoobcakeJackieee -DeadlySpankingAngel- -MvP-Laffin-Ceeho Tomol _Quinny_ -SIN-SWEET-Kimmi- -SIN-iBuckeye-Love-Joy -SIN-SWEET-iJoy-Love-Buckeye Comeng VT-GarthyPoo -e-OnlyHisBella JohnnyBave -_A_-AllNightmareLong WarKing --_--R---U-_-S---S--_-- -_A_-L1v1ng_L3g3nd- -SIN-SWEET-KatieKylesSexyLady -SIN-KyleLovesKatieVegemite- -SIN-SWEET-SILLYRABBIT- BnBHomiciDoll -TBD_SassyAssPrincess -Imagine-BAMF- -_A_-RoamingDawg -_A_-Sated_Mr_Monki -_A_-Sated_Mrs_Monki -Greeny_GivesHugs4pugs- R--oyal_B3RRY_BADGiRL-R ReHaB_TheAussieRedsoX B-W_OnlyGodCanJudgeMeNow -BCS-JustMannyWithNoGf-Shh Mr-Joni --BGP--WeaponsOfFate -Shh-iCalebTapThatSexyThang Vanilla_Ice_Ice_Baby -_A_-PandaLovesJoshie iLadyAngelUndercover AP4Ever -AD_iAngel-MrsFord -Becca_LovesHerJakey- Almighty-_-Danny RS_MoonyLovesHisSnowflake -_A_-SinfullySweetSensation -TPR_ROFLmao- IAmBitterStormyWeather t03z ForbiddenAccess lXx_Lizzie_xXl TER-Deadly Haddydaddy OoOLaura-LadyMillionsOoO -wb-dbravo_nipbiter B-W_iRexSingingOnBenches -SF-ShOcKwAvE B-W_Pirate-Spanks-Cel FallenAngel -WTC-Mr-Supreme-Eggplant -_A_-Excuses -NITRO_Dazzling_Lea- Highlord-tynos -_A_-RoamingDewzle Afif-_- -FWR-_iEmanon_StuckonHerLips_- Jopo Alan BluntBaby BasketHead RS_CountryBoyDSK Barcode -T_L-Muscle_SweetSpot OoOMaXi-MillionsOoO -T_L-Superstar_Shariq BAD-ass_my_del_goes_with_dre SnapCracklePopMyKristiTreat -TBD_DiamondsEvilJake ITorturePandasWithLove timmayyy21 TheGreatMimiAbusesYouWithBacon Blizzard AP-iWasASoulessSurvivor -Lundqvist- Dexter HandsomeHunk Justin_Credible Nipplepotamus DG-My_Lil-pwny Wolf16 Dusk OptimousPrime001 JohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidt Shayanna If anyone signed up and didn't get on the list or still wants to sign up, just go to the losing sides team. Ashs club will be Club Ash Ants club will be Club Ant Boring names but at least you'll know you're at the right side (; lol NiKKi <3
:-D :-X =-O :-( ;-) :-* =-O :O B-) :-$ :-! :-[ O :-\ :'( :-X :-D :-/ x-( :-| <3 :-V XD :-Q :-@ :-C :-O