Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. omg fail ?
  2. how big is this ?
  3. Just trying
  4. Hello

    Am I the only one who loves cookies

    Hehe bye
  5. So.. As you can see in my name, I love cookies. So I decided to make a war with the theme cookies.

    Club Names

    • CookieMonsters
    • TheCookies

    Please comment below your kcs and which side you want to be on

    I'll be on CookieMonsters side! :D

    As for the other side, I need someone to work with me and be the owner on that side. Please wall me if you wish to be the owner for that club. It will be a 24 Hour war and admins will be given to some people.


    War will begin on 1st of January.
    Clubs will be created 1 day before the war starts.
    War Rooster will be posted on forum few days before the clubs are created.
    Signing up closes on the 24th of December.

    Lastly, good luck and have fun!
  6.  well.. that was random actually.. Not what I expected 
  7. [b*]Hi lol I bet it fail [/b]
  8. [b*]fail[/b*] do I put space?
  9. [b*] omg after this I give up [/b*]

  10. He clearly said take asterisk out?
  11. The joy of rainbows.
  12. :*O o.o I fail lol
  13. :*D do u have to have iPhone