Ultimate BB Coding Guide!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by _MooCow, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Um Color inside a sentence:)
  2. [/size=50] These BB code strings can get very, very long and confusing .-. [/size]
  3. [size=200*]test[/size]
  4. Random question. Do you have to have spacs between brackets or can they be placed in an uninterrupted series? Like this: [color=peru*]Hello![/color]
    [color=peru*][i*][size=120*] Random statement [/color*][i*][/size*]
  5. thanks! So much!
  6. Captain with Medical Student 4,416/558
    Captain with Hippie 5,054/9,758
    Captain with Basketball Coach/Law Student 14,254/18,958
    Captain with Mature Student 23,454/28,158
    Captain with CompSci Student

    Exchange Student with Medical Student 20,752/16,048
    Exchange Student with Hippie 11,552/7,748
    [b[Exchange Student with Basketball Coach/Law Student 2,352/2,352

    Exchange Student with Mature Student 6,848/11,552
    Exchange Student with CompSci Student 16,048/20,752

    Lab Geek with Medical Student 37,358/32,654
    Lab Geek with Hippie 28,158/23,454
    Lab Geek with Basketball Coach/Law Student 18,959/14,254
    Lab Geek with Mature Student 9,758/5,054
    Lab Geek with CompSci Student 558/4,148
  7. Captain with Medical Student 4,416/558
    Captain with Hippie 5,054/9,758
    Captain with Basketball Coach/Law Student 14,254/18,958
    Captain with Mature Student 23,454/28,158
    Captain with CompSci Student
  8. b]Captain with Medical Student 4,416/558[/b]
    Captain with Hippie 5,054/9,758
    Captain with Basketball Coach/Law Student 14,254/18,958
    Captain with Mature Student 23,454/28,158
    Captain with CompSci Student 32,654/37,358
  9. On November 25th, 2013, ATA dropped T6 and
    rendered my old guide
  10. MASSIVE EMOJIS (maybe) 

  11. Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf

    Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf Kgdoyflyfpugipf