First and foremost, read “IMPORTANT – World Chat and Forum Behaviour” located in the “Rules of Conduct” forum. This will save you a lot of trouble in the future. This guide was set up by the pimd mods and if you do any of the things on the list, you could run the risk of being silence or forum banned. Secondly, read –JordanMooCow-‘s thread called “Ultimate BB Coding Guide!” This will show you how to make lists (such as this one), make words different colors, and many other things. Please do not ask in peoples threads, or post your own threads asking how it is done… it gets annoying sometimes.
First and foremost, read “IMPORTANT – World Chat and Forum Behaviour” located in the “Rules of Conduct” forum. This will save you a lot of trouble in the future. This guide was set up by the pimd mods and if you do any of the things on the list, you could run the risk of being silence or forum banned. Secondly, read –JordanMooCow-‘s thread called “Ultimate BB Coding Guide!” This will show you how to make lists (such as this one), make words different colors, and many other things. Please do not ask in peoples threads, or post your own threads asking how it is done… it gets annoying sometimes.
Introduction In PimD, the forums can be a fun place to be! Great conversations can be found at just about any time of day. Conflict, praise, studies, games, stories, and many other things can easily be found in the forums. But, getting started on forums is not an easy thing. If you are new to the forums, it is essential that you get a few things down before you start posting away. If you do not start out carefully you may be labeled as a “noob” or made fun of. If that happens, your path to “Forum Greatness” will be greatly hindered. Getting Started When you first arrive in the PimD forums, you may ask, “What should I do first?” This is a valid question. Here is a list of things you should do before starting out on the forums. Threads to Read First and foremost, read “IMPORTANT – World Chat and Forum Behaviour” located in the “Rules of Conduct” forum. This will save you a lot of trouble in the future. This guide was set up by the PimD developers and if you do any of the things on the list, you could run the risk of being silence or forum banned. Secondly, read –JordanMooCow-‘s thread called “Ultimate BB Coding Guide!” located in Questions/Feedback. This will show you how to make lists (such as this one), make words different colors, and many other things. Please do not ask in various threads, or post your own thread asking how it is done… it gets annoying sometimes. Another thread that would be helpful to read is Leonardo-Da-Vinci’s “How not to Argue in PIMD”. Especially if you are new to the forums, this is a key. If you offend someone (whether by accident or on purpose) you could end up being looked down upon in the forum section of the game, and ultimately could be looked down upon in all of PimD. Many PimD players have quit the game because a post they made in a thread ended up getting them hated. Be careful with what you post. Read Royale’s “The Scary Truth” located in Off Topic. This is a very great thread on the dangers and consequences of sexting. Sexting in forums in looked down upon and could result in a silence or forum ban, plus be hated among your peers of PimD. This is not a thread, but is a very important thing to read. Be familiar with the Terms of Use in PimD. Click Help on the home screen, then slide down to Terms of Use (third from the bottom). If you break anything in the ToU it could result in a silencing or a forum ban. Now since you are familiar with the threads in PimD that will save you from utter embarrassment, let us look at some tactics you can perform in the forums themselves that can help you in your rise to forum greatness. Before Posting in a Thread Read the entire thread first. Jumping in at the very end of a conversation could result in humiliation or ridicule. This could be a conversation between a certain club or certain players that has nothing to do with you. They could get upset that you are not caught up with all the facts regarding the situation. Know who you are speaking to. As in a real life college, PimD has those “popular players” who have a great voice in PimD. Posting something against those players may turn many people against you. The “popular crowd” are usually in tight with a lot of stronger players who could easily farm you (attack you repeatedly) if you offend their friend. Do not make an accusation against someone whom you have not met. Again, you may not know the whole facts regarding a situation and could be looked down upon for saying something in error. This is last in my list, but is certainly NOT least. It can be summarized in one word….Grammar. Please spell check and grammar check what you write before you click “post”. There are people in the forums known as “Grammar Nazis” who will tear down everything you say just because you do not use right grammar. Posting a Thread There are things you need to know before you post a thread in PimD. Do’s Do follow all PimD rules in your post Do spell check Do be respectful Do post threads in the appropriate forum(i.e. Role Play goes in “Fan Fiction”, Questions go in “Question/Feedback”, etc. Don’ts Don’t make threads begging for a volley or money (ask in World Chat) Don’t make threads regarding sexting. You will get haters galore and a silence or forum ban. Don’t make a thread bashing anyone unless you know all the facts Maintaining Your Thread Here are some tips to think of while your thread is active. Expect trolls. They will come. It is best to ignore them while they are there. If someone is posting excessive spam or profanity in your thread, you can ask them to leave. But ONLY for those areas. People sometimes think that you can ask anyone to leave for no reason, but that is not the case. If your thread is a personal matter, take it to personal message or club chat. The point of a forum is to have whoever wants to give their two cents in an subject.If your thread is dying, yet you feel like it can still be an active post, then bump it. It will bring the post back to the top of the Active Topics list. But, do not over-bump. If the last five posts in the thread is the word bump, posted by you, then let it die. You will just annoy people that way. Try to keep your thread on topic. As the OP (original poster), it is your job to keep it on topic as much as possible. If it strays too far, the mods could lock it. Trolling A troll is: someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. (Wikipedia) Trolling is a fun thing to do, but needs to be executed in a careful and precise manner. It is easy to offend someone while trolling, so here is a quick guide on trolling. Be careful who you troll. If you troll the wrong person you could be farmed. Many strong players on PimD participate in the forums, so look at a person’s stats and club before you speak. Don’t spam while you troll. This could result in a silence. Do not troll with any derogatory or discriminating material. This could really anger some players as well as get you in trouble with the PimD mods and developers. If it is a serious conversation, be careful how you troll. If someone is seriously angry trolling could make it worse. Do not provoke someone to anger. If you feel like it is getting out of hand, stop. Last Minute Thoughts Thank you for taking your time to read this guide. I hope it helps you as you begin your quest for forum greatness. If you have any additions to the guide, or any ways to improve it, then let me know via PM so I can add it in in future editions. Please look soon for my next guide!