Terms used in PIMD

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Bird, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. There typo fixed 
  2. F (number) : how many minutes till full.
  3. Will add soon
  4. Thanks for this!
  5. you forgot SMC
  6. She made carrots
  7. Can you do modern day slang too?
  8. Yeah, that's what I meant by regen lol.? oops
  9. I'll include butthurt :lol: pimders love saying that
  10. Really Nice thread op, ata needs to sticky this

    Heres a cookie for your good work

  11. This is an awesome guide Bird  keep up the great job! Bird for HS!
  12. ^ LOL if she gets HS shell get alot of hate and emo quit for a couple days... Again.
  13. I'm only in it for the cookies 

    Thanks guys and thanks to Lillie putting up with my constantly wanting to update ?
  14. Bamp 
  15. Rude ?
  16. Alex ?
  17. So war / resetter / minority / catfish did not make the cut 
  18. BTW awesome guide 