Terms used in PIMD

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Bird, Mar 6, 2015.

  1.  have I been living a lie my entire pimd existence!??
  2. Also noted that I accidentally wrote thousand on mcs instead of a million, editing that
  3. NP = no problem ?
  4. Hey Bird?I like your t...hread?
  5. I like your personality as mumma taught me how to be a gentleman

     m'lady
  6. Don't forget this too:
  7. 
  8. ?Ayeee, might have to give you a ring
  9. Seems it.
  10. There are so many terms on this game lol but nice thread OP !
  11. Kinda like the "ABC's of Pimd" 
  12. ?I was working on this but you beat me to it.

    Maybe include all the parties 2.
    As people do shorten them.
  13. Good job. This will be very helpful to the newbs.
  14. Here are some more terms that was missed
    EcBc: A term used when a player uses ec to lcbc
    Wc: world chat
    Fw: farm war
    P15: is the minutes past the hour a player is pinned , ie 20/20f dtw p15
  15. I have an update completed ️ will be done soon. Made it easier to read as well
  16. Updated ? I think it's easier to read
  17. Cabana Cool, not Canana Cool.
  18. I know, typo ? two secs