Terms used in PIMD

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Bird, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Um you have kcs as divide by a thousand to calculate and mcs...
  2. CC can also mean club chat
    DN= doctors note
    TZ= time zone
    WW= wedding war
  3. Tc = tutor chat
  4. You forgot emo.
  5. Bra

  6. ??
  7. Fh: first hit
    F (number): how many more minutes till regan
    Pesting: hitting someone, but failing, in ones to get ones energy lower
  8. Those are pretty important :lol:
  9. Tutor bonus maybe?
  10. @ -domi I know 
  11. Beta war - system war
    Osw - off system war
    Sfw - strip farm war
    Lcbc - land complete build complete

    Don't forget the terms Thot and Bae... Took me forever to figure out what that crap was... Oh and rp....lmao...

    Pinned - means opponent to weak to return fire/hits....
    Np - means not pinned used in reporting...
    D - dance
    F - ATTACK
    P - prank
    Ed - eavesdrop
  12. Thanks its really helpful
  13. ? you should make the term and the definition different colors....
  14. :roll: don't forget about arpee, it's for the classy people of pimd??
  15. Ok update coming!!

    Some of the ones you guys listed I already put :roll: haha. But yeah I was gonna bold the term but I had a headache at the time haha. But I'll do it now
  16. If you wanna do the whole 18 holes and hope for a sticky, seperate them in sections
    i.e. Wars as sub heading and type the stuff you'd see in a war, like reporting hits and such

    Although I doubt any new player would ever war, just an example
  17.  I wasn't looking for sticky but if it is easier to read I'll do it
  18. I guess it would help nubs
    It's good info and effort, so should deserve a sticky
  19. I thought np was near pin? I'm putting in insect and such also
  20. Np = not pinned ...?