PIMD Dictionary

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Bird, Mar 22, 2018.

  1. Ooh an updated guide for pimd terms. Nicely done. ? iSupport.
  2. Thanks peeps, I just used the B.B. coding from last one so wasn’t too much effort this time round
  3. You Forget to add

    ARPEE = advanced Role Playing everything everywhere
  4. You’re right ??
  5. Bs, that isn’t what Arpee means :(
  6. You forgot Nub = kefo
  7. True tbh


    A cute lil rp nublet.
  8. Also forgotten Nubby, Nubblet, Nubster and Nubba.
  9. muh support
  10. So much variety
  11. Variety is what keeps the world turning
  12. Nubarino
  13. Nubuntitanian
  14. Nubatarian
  15. Nublord
    with their
  16. Nubbee Nubbarr
  17. Really helpful for not playing in 4-5 years lol Thanx!
  18. Battle list should be changed to the new name "meet people". But good comphrensive list for those that bother to read it.