Thanks everyone ! Anyone who'd like for me to create a majestic thing for them can check out "Drawing shop Eh?" ! If not in Active topics Go to: off topics > 1or2or 3 page ? I'll try to bump every hour ? PLEASE KNOW THAT THERE IS A LINE You must be patient ! Adding , each painting individually takes about 20-40 minutes I don't want to put out bad quality . Plus I'm a night owl SO 12am-4am is when I mostly paint
Rememeber: if you want a drawing done, go visit "Drawing Shop Eh?" And comment asking politely for a drawing! Wait your turn and be patient, it takes time!
-SwanQueen- Wolf DollQueen Call_Of_Booty TrueSkillz LoveLifeStyle Mason ANNOUNCEMENT I am proud to say that as of today I sold my first painting! Unintentionally my mother took the painting to her job and BAM! I would like to say thank you Guys! Due to your good feedback I decided to actually paint for my mom and it was crazy how Someone walked in and wanted to buy it! so thank you to all the feedback! ️Art on pages 1,6 and 10! ️